2.14 The Mob Character Is A False Magician

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This is the end.

Jin Wei's focus was completely consumed by Laurem's physical features, particularly the tiny horns adorning his forehead, that he was completely oblivious to the fact that Laurem had awoken. Jin Wei had seen his fair share of horns on men, some of which were unattractive malformations and others which were pointed, so he was not frightened off or felt strange when he saw that Laurem also had one.

He knows that Laurem is a demon, and this is an inherent trait.

In fact, he found them to be rather adorable.

How could these little horns not be cute?

Jin Wei felt an overwhelming urge to touch Laurem's delicate horns, much like the irresistible desire to stroke a fluffy rabbit's ear or pet a soft cat's head. Even at his advanced age of more than a hundred thousand years, he still found himself powerless against the allure of cute things.

He knew he should exercise some restraint, but the temptation was too great. The charm that the little horns had cast over Jin Wei had him captivated, and he was trapped in it. He surrendered to the impulse, his fingers grazing the beautiful little protrusions as if he was touching a treasure.

The protagonist is sleeping anyway. He won't know that he had been taken advantage by a pervert.

Usually, races that naturally grow horns are proud people, and they held their beautiful protrusions in high regard. The demon horn, like any other type of horns, was considered a highly sensitive and vulnerable part of the body. These beautiful protrusions had various functions, so it was no wonder that their owners treated them with great reverence.

To them, the horns were a symbol of their strength and heritage, and they were very protective of them and only allow their mates or family members to touch it. Strangers were strictly prohibited from coming near their horns, and any who dared to cross this boundary were inviting a fight.

As such, Jin Wei had never been given the opportunity to touch one. Doing so would be considered an act of harassment.

Jin Wei had always considered them to be miserly and ungenerous, but he never forced the issue. Instead, he held a small grudge in his heart, wondering why something as simple as a touch could be denied to him. Of course, it was just a fleeting thought. He wasn't stupid to go against an instinctual trait.

Anyway, Jin Wei's desire to touch the horns was merely a product of his curiosity, similar to wanting to know how it feels to pet a lion. He felt a strong pull towards the horns, but once he had satisfied his urge, he knew his interest would fade, and he could continue living his life as he always had.

It was just another passing interest, a fleeting fascination that would come and go.

Jin Wei had always been a curious soul, eager to explore new experiences and sensation. And once he had quenched his thirst for knowledge, he would move on to the next thing, never dwelling on the past or letting his passion consume him.

Although it can sound cruel and cold, the majority of transmigrators believe so. They just go around the world on a mission before dying away and taking on a new identity in another realm. It is already regarded a good thing to not lose interest in something.

For a while, Jin Wei sensed a change in the child's breathing rhythm. He glanced down with a dumb look and saw Laurem watching him with wide eyes. The werebeast's red irises glinted in the light, reflecting Jin Wei's image back at him clearly. Startled, Jin Wei quickly pulled his hand away, feeling the cold sweat creeping on his spine.

Fck- he didn't expect to be caught red-handed.

Laurem has been observing when Jin Wei was touching his horns. He had been anticipating a negative reaction from Jin Wei when he touched his horns, since it was a common response from others who would see a demon in the human territory.

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