Not for a second.

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(Spider's POV)

I wake up to the best smell lingering in the morning air. I immediately sit up and open my eyes. When I open my eyes, I see Y/n standing above me. 

"Ready to learn?" She says, with a smile.

I gasp, surprised, "Sure." I shrug.

"What's that smell?" I ask, mesmerized.

"Oh. Nothing, I was just trying something new. Why? does it smell bad?" Y/n says, nervously.

"No, I love it. It smells good."

She smiles. I get up and out of bed. When I walk by Y/n, I walk slowly, to get a good smell. The smell does really match Y/n.  At first, it's calm and you don't really notice it, but the longer you stay around, it starts to smell very sweet. I can't tell what it is supposed to smell like, but I really do like the smell of whatever it is.

I am surprised that Y/n woke up before me. I'm even more surprised that she isn't angry. She doesn't seem to be angry, at least.

I turn around to look at her and say, "You're up early."

She's already looking at me when she responds, "I'd be up anyway. You would've been waking me up right about now if I weren't already awake."

That's true.

"Yeah, I guess that's true."

We stare at each other for a while. Y/n's eyes don't break contact with mine. Not for a second. There doesn't seem to be one thought behind her eyes. It's weird seeing her like this. I don't want to break eye contact because it's nice to look at her and have her still look at me. I want to enjoy this moment. It is a little awkward, but not too bad. Looking in her eyes comforts me. Her eyes slightly shining from the reflection of the sun makes my stomach turn. I don't know what I'm feeling, but I don't like that I'm feeling it because of Y/n. 

A smile starts to crawl up on Y/n's face. It's a sweet smile, not one of her signature "I'm going to kill you" kind of smiles. I smile back at her, just to be nice. I don't know how I feel about Y/n right now. I don't know if I want to smile at her. I don't know if I don't want to smile at her. But I still did it anyway. Things are going very well with this "going back to how thing's used to me" thing. But are they going too well? I have a feeling they are, and that's really the only feeling that I'm sure about right now.

"Well I suppose it is time for you to learn about the stuff that I like now. That was the deal." Y/n says, looking away.

I don't look away from her, I just furrow my eyebrows at her, confused by my own feelings.

When she doesn't hear me respond, she look back at me, "Right?"

I look away, "Yeah, that was the deal."

"Alright. You know where we're going." Y/n says, walking away.

I don't really know where we're going. My only guess is that we're going to her little area where she reads, but if I'm being honest, I don't think that I know Y/n that well anymore. For now, I'm just going have to assume that we're going to her reading area. That's the only guess that I can make.

Y/n x Spider (From Avatar: The Way of Water)Where stories live. Discover now