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Trying - Cavetown - Mike Wheeler
Something just like this - The Chainsmokers - Will Byers
Twin sized mattress - the front bottoms - Mike Wheeler

William Byers, there was a million words that could describe him. But it was still hardly enough.

He was average height for his age, but he still looked, and felt, small compared to everyone else. He was quiet. Too quiet. Almost mute around people he wasn't comfortable with, but he obtained quite a bit of knowledge.

A lot of kids called him a nerd, but he took pride in that. He'd rather be called something that compared him to being smart than something worse, way worse. He'd had bad experiences with nicknames in the past. Zombie boy.. slurs.. it hurt but he wouldn't admit that out loud.

His favourite colour was clearly yellow. His backpack and shoes were a pale shade of it. Almost a cream kind of colour. Darkened with age. His shoes were worn out now, you could see a clear hole forming by his toes. But he wouldn't complain about it. He was lucky he had shoes to begin with.

His eyes were green, most of the time. They seemed to be an emerald sort of colour if the sun hit them at the perfect angle, but they seemed to darken sometimes. Lose light. They'd go brown. And that normally meant something was wrong.

His hair was- a different story. It was an auburn brown sorta colour, possible light brown if he's out in the sun enough in the summer for it to lighten.

It was neat and well kept but, he needed a new hairdresser. He loved his mom and he loved that she cut his hair for him but- it wasn't going to work out anymore.

His brother, Johnathan, left for college and, he will admit, being the only child was exhausting. He didn't realise just how much Jonathan had done for the small family. How much he had kept them together.

But now it was all up to him.

He would have to stay up late at night incase lonnie made another random appearance in the middle of the night, trying to break in for a place to stay when things were bad with his girlfriend. He was easy to deal with though. All he had to do was turn him away.

Because of this he was tired all the time, falling asleep in class. His grades started to slip. But he had to do this, he had to keep Lonnie away.

But nothing could've prepared him for when his best friend had biked all the way to his house, in the rain, at 3am. And the reason for it was enough to make him pull him inside and comfort him.

"Mike, what are you- wait- are you okay?" He was crying. It was odd for Mike to cry. He rarely ever did.

"Yeah- sorry. I know it's late but- I knew you'd be the only one awake.."

"What happened?" his voice was quiet. Soft. Mike would even call it adorable.

"My mom and dad- they're arguing- over me- cause I- I told them that i- something dumb... and I just.. I can't be there anymore.. I'm sorry.." the story just made Mike cry more.

He wasn't just hurt or in pain. He was broken. Letting down his invisible shield to the only person he had ever really trusted. This was a side of Mike that Will rarely saw.

"Oh- Mike.. come on" Will gently took Mikes arms, pulling him in and kicking the door shut. He wouldn't even give Mike time to breathe before he pulled him into a tight hug.

Will wasn't an affectionate person, but Mike was. And Will would do anything for Mike whenever it was needed. And right now. It was really needed.

"What did you tell them?" It was barely a whisper, only just audible. The only other noise was the hum of fridge.

Something inbetween trilogy - being edited!Where stories live. Discover now