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505 - Arctic monkeys - Mike Wheeler l
Talk to me- Cavetown - Will Byers
Home - cavetown - Mike Wheeler

Mike and Will were watching a movie in Wills room. It was much more decorated now, there were some more posters and a few drawings. It represented Will even more than it did before.

Will looked next to him to see Mike asleep. It was cute. He decided to turn the tv off and lay Mike down, he would do damage to his neck and back the way he was sitting before.

Their moms had allowed them to have a sleepover under the circumstance that they didn't share the bed. But of course, they would anyways.

Will was about to turn the light off, but the phone in his room begun to ring. He wasn't sure whether or not he should answer, but of course he'd have to.

Will picked up the phone, "hello?"
"Will- hey"
"Jonathan? Why are you calling? It's late"
"Listen- don't tell mom but- I'm not coming back this summer"

"What? Why?"
"Me and some friends are going somewhere else. Just tell mom I have school stuff to do"
"I have to go. Talk soon, okay?"
"Wait- Jonathan- I-"

He hung up. Will wanted to cry. That was the first time he'd heard Jonathan's voice since the end of Christmas break, it was June.

"Are you okay?" Mike had woken up, he was looking over at Will who was about to break down.
"I- I'm fine- just-" he sighed, "Jonathan's not coming back- so I won't see him until thanksgiving"

"Nancy said that they're going to some sort of summer thing"
"He was supposed to come home. And he wants me to tell mom he's studying"
"Just forget it. Thanksgiving will be here before you know it anyway"

"I guess" Will laid next to Mike who subsequently cuddled into him.
"Try get some sleep, okay? Maybe he'll come back after all" Mike's words were reassuring, but Jonathan wasn't going to come back, and Will knew that.
"Okay" Will played with Mikes hair, they both fell asleep.


When the morning came around, Mike was on the floor in his sleeping bag. Joyce was going to come wake them up any second now.

She didn't knock, there was no point. They were asleep, "boys! Breakfast is almost ready. Wake up"
Will pulled his pillow over his head, he was tired and wanted to keep sleeping.

"Boys! Now!"
"Fine" Will sat up to show that he was getting up, so Joyce shut the door and went back to making breakfast, Hopper was getting ready.

"Mike" Will threw his pillow at Mike, hitting him in the face and waking him up.
"What the hell!" He threw it back.

"If I have to be awake then so do you" Will got out of bed, there was no point even trying to look for an outfit. He was just going to wear what he normally did.

"Ugh- do we have to go?"
"El wants us all to be there" He got out his yellow shirt and some cream jeans.
"Can't she do her play another day?"
"I don't think she got to pick when it was, Mike"

"Fine" he sat up, he really didn't want to go out. He was a like a hermit crab.
He watched at Will took his shirt off, the scar on his chest wasn't going to clear up anytime soon.

Will sighed as he looked at it.
"I think it looks cool"
"Mike- you don't have to-"
"No. It does" He got up and stood close to Will, "it shows you can get through anything"

Will smiled, it did in a way. If he can get through a bullet right next to his heart then he could get through anything.

Mike helped him button up his shirt, Will holding his arms, "nobody even has to see it. They don't know how amazing you are"
"Your an idiot, Mike"
"You've said. Hundreds of times"

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