3- 3.

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To build a home - The Cinematic Orchestra - Mike Wheeler
That home - The Cinematic Orchestra - Will Byers
Beautiful boy (darling boy) - John Lennon - Mike Wheeler
Genesis - Grimes - Will Byers

There was a knock on Wills door, "Will- sorry- I didn't mean to-" Jonathan sighed, "are you happy, atleast?"
"Let me guess. Mom talked to you?"

It was 5pm now. Mike had gone to help El with homework, she was really behind. It wasn't her fault.

"Yes- he hurt you, Will.. I just didn't want to watch you get hurt again"
"He stops me from getting hurt"
"Are you happy with him?"
"Yeah. I am"
"Then it's okay. If he makes you happy then it's fine"
"I don't need your approval- dad already did that"

"Your calling Lonnie dad again?"
Will opened the door, "No. Never again. I'm talking about Hopper"
"You call him dad?"
"Yeah. Have been since before the wedding" Will was holding some sketch books, they looked full.

"Okay. So- are we good?"
"If you apologise to Mike" Will made his way to the living room, Jonathan followed.
"Okay. I will. And I'm not leaving again. I'm staying here for you"
"You should go do something for yourself. I'll be fine until thanksgiving"

"Okay- Uhm- DONT tell mom but.. I didn't drop out- I got kicked out"
"What did you do?"
"Just- failed all my classes"
"What did you do?!"
"I've been trying to fix it all summer!"

"How do you just get kicked out of college?"
"I don't know"
"Moms going to kill you"
"I know"

Will gently ripped some drawings out of his sketch books, placing them into a binder.

"What are you doing?"
"The binder is for the drawings I give Mike"
"How many binders have you given him?"
"I don't know- like- 2 this week- maybe 20 in total? But there's months of stuff I have to give him-"
"Where does he keep it all?"
"He keeps the good ones in his room and the rest in the basement"

"They're all good, Will"
Will laughed. Not a happy one, "yeah well- not anymore"
"What do you mean?"
Will hesitated before showing Jonathan some drawings. It was hard to determine what they were, it was mainly scribbles.
"What- am I looking at?"

Jonathan looked at him, Will had never drawn anything so- obscure. Intangible. Ambiguous. Unknown. It was weird, unsettling.

It made him feel uneasy that something could have much more denotation than perceived. It was like an endless pit of unknown thoughts and feelings that Will had managed to dig out of his complex brain. But if that's what Will had done, intended to do, he'd know what it was. What the meaning behind it was.

But Will was dumbfounded by it. By what Mike had tried so hard to call art.

"Mr Hauser told me to draw what I feel- and- that's what came out" he seemed disappointed in himself.
"Have you got anymore? Maybe there's a bigger picture. Maybe it all connects"
"Think I haven't checked that?"

Will continued to separate the drawings he'd made for Mike from the ones he'd made for Mr Hauser. It was a lot.

"Just keep practicing, El. You'll get better at it" Mike shut the door behind him, Walking to where Will and Jonathan were, "are you ready to go?"
"10 minutes"
"Okay" Mike sat next to him, leaning his head onto Wills shoulder.

"Where are you two going?"
"Mikes house"
"Does mom know?"
"Yes. She knows. She always knows, Jonathan. Because I actually tell her stuff"

There was some bitterness in Wills voice. Jonathan decided to ignore it, "okay. Do you guys want dinner before you leave? Mike lives pretty far-"
"I live up the street. About a 5 minute walk. And my moms cooking for us"

Something inbetween trilogy - being edited!Where stories live. Discover now