3- 4.

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Boy in the bubble - Alec Benjamin - Will Byers
Guilded lily - cults - Mike Wheeler
Exit music (for a film) - Radiohead - Will Byers
Bad things - cults - Mike Wheeler
Where is my mind? - pixies - Will Byers
I wanna be yours - Arctic monkeys - Mike Wheeler

"I don't want to talk to you"
"I want you to get me my gun. Your mom hid it somewhere"
"I- I'm not getting you a gun"
"Last time you had one you shot me!"
"And that was an accident. But I'm in trouble and I need it"

Will scoffed. He couldn't believe what was happening. Lonnie had just kidnapped him. Shoved him into the back of a van. Drove him somewhere. And is now asking for help. Wow.

"I'm not helping you. Let me go home"
"Your not leaving until you get me my gun"
"At least let me call and tell them I'm okay"
"You'll tell them I took you"

"And? And? William, your going to get my that gun or you will regret it!"
"Wow. I'm so scared. I'm tired. I just want to go to bed"
"Get me my gun first, then you'll never see me again"
"I'm not bringing it to you!"
"Just tell me where it is!"

"I don't know where it is! So I'm sorry but frankly you can't have it right now!"
Lonnie balled his hand into a fist and punched Will across the side of his face.

Wills eyes widened, welling with tears, his breath became shaky. He touched his face as blood poured out of his nose. Now he was scared.

"You are going to go home. And get me that gun! Or you'll be the one in trouble. Got it?"
Will nodded. He wasn't going to fight back. He couldn't. He wanted to, but something about Lonnie's presence paralysed him.

"You'll go on Tuesday"
"Th-that's two days!"
"You'll live"

Lonnie left the van, padlocking it before getting in the drivers seat and driving somewhere else. Panic set in for Will. He should've stayed at Mikes house. He should've just told Lonnie where the gun was. He could've been at home right now.



Mike went to school, Will went missing yesterday and somehow word has already made its way around the school. Of course it has.

Mike sat at the lunch table, the others instantly stopped talking and looked at him.

"Are you okay, Mike?" Lucas seemed genuinely concerned. Both because of Wills sudden disappearance and the fact that Mike looked like he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs.

"Mhm. Fine. He'll come back"
"I still can't find him.. he's in the same place he was yesterday"
"And where's that, El? You haven't told me anything"
"Somewhere- dark. It sounds like a car- a van! He's in a van!"

"Lonnie has a van.."
They all looked at Mike.
"Lonnie has him.. Lonnie has him!"

Mike got up and ran to the phones outside, searching for a quarter in his pockets. That was always useless. He never had any coins.

"Here" Dustin gave him one.

He called Hopper. Told him what he knew, or what he thought he knew.

But if it was Lonnie who had him, Will wasn't safe. And he wouldn't be or feel safe until he was in Mikes arms.


"Lonnie. Let me go. Please" Will was leaning against the side of the van, he thought his nose was broken as there was still some blood coming out. It felt numb.

"Not yet" Lonnie shut the door behind him, turning on an overhead light. He had a bag, "I got you some food and stuff"

Lonnie pulled out some tissue and poured some water on it, dabbing at Wills nose. Will wanted to flinch away, but it would be a lot worse for him if he did.

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