3- 5.

10 1 0

Line without a hook - Ricky Montgomery - Mike wheeler
Something about you - Eyedress - Will Byers
Helium - glass animals - Mike Wheeler
Mary on a cross - ghost - Will Byers

Mike had woken up to a knock on Wills door, he wasn't supposed to stay the night without one of Wills parents knowing.

"Will, are you awake? I think we should talk about yesterday"
Will stayed fast asleep. Mike silently panicked. Hopper would definitely reprehend him.

Mike, as quietly as he could, slipped out of Wills bed. Picking up his jacket and shoes and hiding them somewhere in the room.
Will woke up, "what are you doing?"
"Hopper- door"

Will smiled, "come in"
"Will, I think that- Mike- what are you doing here?"
"I- uh- sleepover?"
Hopper sighed, "we can talk about yesterday later then. Mike, what did I say about sleepovers?"

"To- not do them without asking?"
"Exactly. But for just this once, it's okay. I'll let you two get back to sleep" Hopper left the room again, Mike heard him talking to Joyce downstairs. He couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Come back to bed" Will was still exhausted, he didn't want to get up just yet.
"Why are you so tired?" Mike laid on his side next to Will, playing with his hair.
"I haven't really been sleeping much"
"But you slept all last night"

"I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep"
"Is that why you left the lamp on?"
"Mhm. But you were here so it was okay"
"Are you sure?" Mike touched Wills face, it was a gentle touch. But it was enough for Will to make eye contact between them.

"I'm sure" it was barely audible, his lips remained parted. Mikes hand moved to the back of Wills neck as if it was asking for permission.

Will glanced to Mikes lips and back to his eyes and Mike took that as his permission. He kissed Will. Kissed him like he's never kissed him before.

Will kissed back, taking in every second of this moment. Will turned his head slightly left whilst Mike kept his head straight.

"Will. Will!"
Will sighed as he pulled away, "we're trying to sleep!"
"I don't care!" El bursted into the room, "I need help!"
"With what?" Will sat up, Mike took a minute to admire how messy Wills hair was. It curled generously and softly around his neck and ears but the rest was either straight or wavy. He was still growing it out, it suited him.

"Max asked me out on a date and I don't know what to wear"
"Really? That's why your freaking out?"
Mike smiled softly as he put his arm around Will, diverting his eyes to El.
"Yes! I need help. Please!"

"Fine. Get some outfits ready. I'll be there in a minute"
"Thank you!" El ran back to her room.

Will leant into Mike, "she's way too hyper"
"Were you like that for our first date?"
Will looked at him, thinking about his answer, "I'd like to say no- but I could barely sleep the night before. So I'd have to say yes"

"That's cute" Mike kissed Wills nose, forgetting that he hated it. But to his surprise, Will didn't wipe it off, he just smiled.
"I should go help her now"
"One quick kiss?"

"Please" Mike placed his hand on Wills cheek, "really quick"
"Fine" Will kissed him quickly before pulling away and getting up.
"Nooo. A proper kiss, William"

"You know how that ends"
"Yeah. It ends with us making out. I'm not dumb"
"Mhm. I need to go help her. I'll come back" Will gently pushed some of Mikes hair out of his face before he kissed his forehead.

"Be quick, please"
"I will. She doesn't have many outfits so I'll be right back"
"You underestimate girls, Will. Her and Max made me go clothes shopping with them and they ended up spending 5 hours trying on clothes and didn't even buy any"

Something inbetween trilogy - being edited!Where stories live. Discover now