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Dear - Cavetown - Mike Wheeler
Romantic homocide - d4vd - Mike Wheeler
Worm food - cavetown - Mike Wheeler
Go solo - Tom Rosenthal - Will Byers

1988, July 4th, 9pm

Mike's mom drove him home from the hospital. Mike didn't want to say anything. What was there to say? His bestfriend. His BOYFRIEND had just died. And there was nothing he could do. He'd tried his best. But nothing could make this better. It was definately going to affect a lot of people. Especially Mike Wheeler and Wills family.

"Micheal- do you want to talk about it?"
"I know this is a lot for you.. it's going to be hard"
"I know" he watched as the rain poured down the window. It perfectly matched how he felt.

They got home and Mike went straight to his room. Everything in there reminded him of Will.
He tore the posters off his walls, took down all the drawings and paintings. Hid everything in his room that reminded him of Will.

It looked empty now. Will made him who he is.
"Micheal" Karen went into the room. She saw how it looked and how Mike was hugging his legs on the floor, crying, "oh Micheal.. it will be okay eventually"

"I loved him.. I still do.."
"He'll wake up soon" it didn't sound like his mom.
"I said it will be okay"
"I promise. Now get some rest, it's been a hell of a day.."

"I'm not tired.."
"Micheal.. get some sleep" she sat next to him, "Don't do this to yourself, he's gone"
"He's gone. Mike.."
"No! No he's not.." he started to cry.
She hugged him. She hated seeing him like this. She didn't want him to be hurt. In pain. But that's what happens when you fall in love. You get hurt.


Mike Wheeler spent a lot of time in his room. He didn't want to go out because he was scared that he'd end up at Wills house. That he'd ask if Will was home and if they could hang out. He was scared he'd cause more pain to himself and everyone around him.

He didn't find anything fair.

He wanted to just disappear. But that would be worse.

He denied all comfort his mom offered. Abnegated himself.

His friends came over a lot. They all seemed to seek comfort in eachother. They all missed him. But they all knew they couldn't miss him as much as Mike.


At the end of summer break, Mike decided he would go back to school. The atmosphere was melancholic. It seemed that a lot more people actually cared then they had dared to put forwards.

He sat in class, the seat next to him was cold. Empty. He didn't want to look at it. If he did he might just break.

Mike looked to where the voice emitted from the door, Mr Hauser was there.
"Do you want to come to my office?"
Mike shook his head.

"I feel like maybe we should talk"
"Come on, Micheal. Your dealing with a great loss" Mr Hauser was kneeling next to his desk now. Everyone was watching them.
"I don't want to talk about it"

"Everyone's worried about you"
"You were supposed to help him.."
"I tried. I did everything I could"
"No you didn't!"

"He's dead! What do you want me to do? Come to your office and cry about it? I've done enough crying! I'm trying to get over it so just leave me alone!"
"Come to me when your ready to talk" Mr Hauser left the room. The whole class stared at Mike.

He wanted to go home.

A girl came over and sat next to Mike. Sat in Wills seat, "hey- uhm- one of my friends died recently so I just- I know what your going through"
"He- he wasn't a friend.."
"There were rumours- of you two going out and stuff. I just didn't want to assume"
"Why do you wanna know? He's dead. It doesn't matter"

Something inbetween trilogy - being edited!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora