2- 2.

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Heroes - Peter Gabriel - Will Byers
Cry - Cigarettes after sex - Mike Wheeler
Only - RY X - Mike Wheeler
Meteor shower - cavetown - Will
Line without a hook - Ricky Montgomery - Mike and Will

"Will Byers!"
Will turned around, he had recognised that voice.
"You remember me, don't you?"
"K-kinda?" He remembered her really well, it was the worst summer of his life.
"Y-yeah. Right. Uhm- I have to- get to class"

She reminded him of that summer.
"Oh cool! I'll go with you. Me and you need to talk"
"About?" Will walked into the school. He had to wear jeans today as his shorts didn't cover his thighs.
"A little birdie, and by that I mean Dustin. He's a weird kid- anyway- he told me that your gay" she wasn't being quiet about it, but she wasn't being loud either. Will didn't really care who knew anymore.

"Oh. Did he now? Well thanks but I don't need anyone else telling me how useless I am. I already know" He opened his locker, he wanted to slam the door into his head.

"No- no no. I came to say that it's okay. I know. But your not alone y'know. I know a group of kids like us who'd love for you to join them."
"Like 'us'?"
"Nobody told you?"
Will shook his head. He shut his locker, turning his attention to Robin.

"I don't like guys"
"Dustin said you and Steve"
"Ew! Gross! No. Platonic. Capital P! Anyways, if your interested we meet at the 7/11 on Main Street every Tuesday. Just go there at like- 5ish. They know who you are"

"Yeah.. who doesn't. Look- I really have to go- thanks for the offer but- I'll be fine without a support group"
"Okay- well um- if you see Mike today tell him I need to talk to him"
"He's with the councillor until 9" Will walked to class. He wanted someone to save him again. He wanted someone to just save him.. just like Mike had done a few months ago. He wanted Robin to stop him and ask if he was okay.

But Robin thought it would be best if she let Will shut her out. So she made her way to the councillors office. Somewhere she knew all too well.


After lesson 3, Will had already had enough. Somebody save him.
But in lesson 4, Mike was next to him. It was English.

"Yeah?" They were whispering, they didn't want the teacher to get mad.
"Save me.."
Mike turned his head and looked at Will. Will was looking down at his paper, tears were falling.

Will raised his hand, the teacher excused them both to the hall, Will so that he could recollect himself, and Mike to make sure he was okay.

"Will, what's wrong?"
"I- I don't know.. I just.. I'm tired of life"
Mike hugged him, Will hugged back.

Mike would try his best. He would do everything he could to make sure that Will Byers, the boy he loved, would be okay.

"I'm sorry I'm a mess.."
"It's okay. I am too.. but maybe you should talk to someone"
"Y-you can talk to Owe- no.. uhm.. Your mom? Hopper?"

"Mike. I don't want to talk to anyone who already knows! But I can't talk to anyone who doesn't know! I'm stuck!"
"Wh-what about- uhm.. I- I don't know.. just.. don't talk about the upside down?"

"I'm talking to someone about it.. I'm not talking about it all- like it's real. I'm just talking about it like metaphors."
"Y-you don't-"
"You should talk to the councillor! He really understands. And, don't tell him I told you but he's gay" Mike smiled, he definitely felt better, Will didn't.

"Y-yeah.. thanks- uhm.. I'm feeling better now so- I'll be back in class in a minute"
"Okay" Mike kissed his cheek and went back into class.
Will just walked away.

Something inbetween trilogy - being edited!Where stories live. Discover now