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Empty bed - Cavetown - Mike wheeler
Take me to church - Hozier - Will Byers

"W-why did you call me, Lucas? I live furthest away"
"He said you'd understand- he won't talk to me"
"Wait- tell me what happened again"
"He- he got hurt-"

Lucas looked back at Mike, he was sitting on his bed now, staring at the wall.
"He needs you Will"
"Tell me what he did?" He was putting his shoes and jacket on.
"I think-" Lucas quietened down, unsure whether if Mike heard this or not it would send him into a spiral, "I think he tried to kill himself.."

Will froze, tears threatened to fall, "wh-what?"
"Just please, Will- he'll talk to you"
"I'm on my way" he hung up and ran out the door, grabbing his bike. It was old and rusted now. He hadn't used it in a while. But right now, it was important that he'd get to Mike.


Mike wasn't crying. He wasn't moving. He was just sitting there. Holly was trying to talk to him. Trying to get some answers. Then they heard the front door open.

"What the fuck are you doing here? I thought I had told you to stay out!" Will ignored him as he ran up the stairs and into Mikes room, he was out of breath.

Mike looked at him and held his arms out, he finally started to cry. Sobbing uncontrollably. Will took him into his arms, "it's okay. Your okay"

Lucas watched from the other side of the room. Will had one hand on Mikes face, and the other holding his hand. He watched how they were being careful with eachother. Talking quietly. Will still wearing Mikes shirt.

Then it clicked to him, they weren't just friends. They didn't act like they were just friends.

He guided Holly out of the room and to hers. He would talk to her whilst they talked to eachother.


"Why did you do this?" Will gently touched Mikes arms. He was confused. He knew things had gone bad at home but.. he didn't know it was this bad.
"My dad.."
"He's not worth it, Mike.. you know that"
Mike shook his head, he didn't know that.
"Do you want to talk about something else?"
He shook his head again.
"Okay" Will kissed his head. He understood perfectly.

"Why- why did he yell when you came in?"
"Your dad- he never liked me"
"I think you know why"

Mike wanted to pretend not to know why. But it was already boiling inside of him. They've been friends since kindergarten. His dad had mentally abused Will, behind his back, since kindergarten. And he didn't know until now.

"I can't wait for him to leave.."
"You might miss him for a while- but that will go away"
"Do you miss your dad?"
"Every day.."

Will looked at the floor, pulling his legs up to his chest, "because there was a time where everything was fine. When him and mom didn't fight- and he was a good dad- and- he had his moments.."

"Do you ever- wish he didn't leave?"
"Cause then I probably wouldn't be here with you. Or be who I am"

Mike looked at him, he had only met lonnie a couple of times. Will seemed happier without him. So maybe Mike would without his own dad.

"Can I see them?" Will moves his hand up Mikes arm. Mike nodded, so Will carefully unwrapped the bandages.

"Have you got anything to clean it with?"
"B-bathroom" tears were welling up as Mike saw the expression that appeared on Wills face. He was trying to hide it, but Mike could see straight through him.

Will left to go find what he needed. Mike sat there, staring at his arms, partially wishing he'd never done it. But mostly, wishing nobody came to save him.

Something inbetween trilogy - being edited!Where stories live. Discover now