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Pretty boy - the neighbourhood - Mike Wheeler
Heatwaves (stripped back) - Glass animals - Will Byers
7 weeks & 3 days - yungatita - Will Byers
Stressed out - Twenty one pilots - Mike Wheeler

About three weeks later. Two weeks before summer break, Mike and Will were almost inseparable again. Neither of them knew why. Maybe it's because they had a strong urge to protect eachother from anything and everything.

They were in Mikes room. Will was doing his art homeschool work. Not like he even needed to try, but Mike watched him instead of doing his homework.

Will had became more comfortable about drawing around other people, especially Mike.
When Dustin first watched Will paint, he called him Bob Ross. It made Will smile.

"Your pretty"
Mike touched his face, "really pretty"
Will smiled, "your an idiot"

"Your supposed to compliment me now, babe"
"Do you- not want me to- sorry" Mike let go of him.
"No no- it's fine. I liked it" Will sat up and placed Mikes hands back on his face, "Your adorable. And your amazing. And thoughtful. And I love you"

"Y-you do?" A smile was tugging at Mikes lips.
"I do. I love you so much"
"I love you too" a single tear trickled down Mikes cheek. Will wiped it away and kissed his head.

"Have you figured yourself out yet?"
"I'm getting there"
"You seem happier"
"I am" Will picked up his work and continued it.

"I am too"
"Good" they both smiled.
"So- uhm- schools out on soon"
"I can't wait, we can hang out everyday"

Mike chuckled, "yeah- uhm. We were thinking about, as a group, going on a road trip"
"Oh cool. Where are you guys going?"
"Just- around the place- your invited if you want to come. Your still part of the group"

"No thanks"
"You've barely gone anywhere but here and your house this past month"
"I don't like road trips"

"You've never been on one. Look, me and you can take my car. That way, if you decide you don't like it or don't want to be there anymore then we can turn right around"
Will really couldn't say no to him, "fine. But I pick the music"

Will jumped back, Mike kissed his nose.
"Gross-" Will wiped it off, just like he always did.
"You don't like that, do you?"
Will shook his head.

"Okay. I'll add that to my extremely long list of things you don't like"
"Okay, it's not that long!"
"I add atleast 10 things every day. It's exhausting"
"Shut up, Mike"
"Make me"

Will threw a pillow onto his face.
Mike laughed and threw it back.

I'll come pick you up on the day"
"And it's gonna be hot so- wear shorts"
"That's just what you want, isn't it?"
"Fine. I'll wear shorts. Just for you" He kissed Mikes cheek, checked the time and sighed.

"Time to go? Already?"
"Mhm. Quarter to 9"
"But it's still light outside"
"Okay. Fine fine"

Will collected all of his belongings, well- only the ones he arrived with.
Mike put his shoes on.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm walking you home"
"It's a 5 minute walk"

"Oh well, what are you gonna do about it?"
Will shook his head, a small grin appearing on his face.

He put his own shoes on and went downstairs, "Bye Mrs Wheeler!"
"Oh- Will honey- time to go already?"
"Yeah. It's a school night"
"Okay. Well, tell your mom I said hi"

Mike ran down the stairs and put his arm over Wills shoulder, "I'm walking him home"
"I'm sure he's capable of doing that on his own, Micheal"
"He is but I won't let him"

Something inbetween trilogy - being edited!Where stories live. Discover now