3- 6.

14 0 0

My heart is buried in Venice - Ricky Montgomery - Mike Wheeler
Hug all your friends - cavetown - Will Byers

At 7:15, Will was sitting at the bleachers. He was listening to his music, reading the song list Mike had given him.

"Leave me alone, Troy"
"Cmon Mike!"
"No! Leave me alone! And don't even think about touching him!"

Will removed his headphones, looking over to where they were.
"Mike. I said I'm sorry"
"Sorry doesn't cut it"

"Look- I know what I did was wrong but I- im trying to change"
"People like you can't change. And the fact that you're trying to get me to let you ask out my boyfriend just proves that"

Will put his headphones back on, he didn't want to or need to hear more, but he kept an eye on them because he knew Troy. And he knew Mike. And he knew that eventually a fight would start.

After a few minutes, Troy left and Mike sat next to Will.
"What was that about?" Will pulled his headphones off, pausing his Walkman.
"Just Troy being Troy" Mike leaned his head onto Wills shoulder.

"I will not miss him when we graduate"
Mike laughed, "I don't think anyone will"
Will looked back to the songlist.
Mike looked at his watch,
"Cmon" Mike got up, pulling Will with him.

They walked into the building, heading towards Mr Clarkes science class.
"If your going to show me your science project, just remember I helped you make it"
"No. It's not that" Mike opened the door.

Will came face to face with all his friends, the people he'd been avoiding for the longest time possible. Fear began to overwhelm him. He wasn't ready for this. He wasn't ready to be back on the social scale.

"Hey. We were just talking about the road trip"
"Cool" Mike held Wills hand and walked over to the group.
"I- uhm- I have to go.." Will wanted to retreat, hide away.
"No you dont. Just relax, okay? I talked to them"

Will looked at them, they all smiled softly at him. Will took in a deep breath and sat down.
"Will the wise, we missed you" Dustin sat next to him
"I missed you guys too"

They let the others talk to eachother whilst they sat off at the side and talked.
"You disappeared again. Are you okay?"
"No. Not really. But I'm getting there" Will smiled at him.
"Well were all here for you, y'know. Your my best friend"
"Your mine too" Will hugged Dustin, who hugged back. It wasn't weird for them to hug. Like they said, their eachothers best friend.

They sat there, just hugging for a moment before all of their friends decided to join in. Initiating one big group hug.

None of them could've asked for more, they were all finally together again. They were finally a group again.


The snowball came around pretty quickly after that, Mike and Will were going together. Pretending to take El and Max as their dates.

Will and max became pretty close, they were pretty much best friends. They'd do anything for eachother.

Him and Max were almost inseparable.
He was happy he could become close with her. Creating a new friendship.

As Will walked into the gymnasium, where the dance was, he immediately locked eyes with Mike.
They stared for a moment before Will made his way over.

The laughed and talked for what felt like hours before sneaking off into the school.

They decided to enter a classroom next to the gym so that they could still hear the music. It was there that they danced with eachother, and kissed. The only light coming from outside, the moonlight shone into Wills eyes, complimenting his features.

Mike was falling in love with him all over again. He would fall in love with Will all over again everytime he saw him but this moment, this was THE moment that made him realise just how in love he really was.

"I love you"
"I love you too"

And they kissed.

They stood in the classroom, in eachothers arms. The only sounds were eachothers beating hearts and the faint music from the gym. And they kissed like their lives depended on it.

They didn't have a care in the world.
They didn't care if someone walked in.
If anyone saw them.
If they were caught.

They didn't care, because they had eachother and they were finally happy.


William Byers, there was a million words that could describe him. But it was still hardly enough.

He was average height for his age, but he didn't seem as small compared to everyone else anymore. He wasn't quiet anymore, but he obtained too much experience of how the world really was, of how people were.

A lot of kids called him a zombie boy, but he took pride in that. He'd rather feel invincible than be called something worse, way worse.

His favourite colour was clearly yellow. His backpack and shoes were a pale shade of it. Almost a cream kind of colour. Brand new, his shoes almost shone.

His eyes were green, an emerald shade. They glistened in the sun. Grew brighter around those he loved and cared about.

His hair was- a different story. It was grown out and messy, he really wanted a haircut but he knew Mike loved it so he left it how it was. And he loved his mom and he loved that she cut his hair for him but- it wasn't going to work out anymore. He really needed a new hairdresser.

His brother was back from college and, he will admit, being the middle child was the best. He didn't realise just how much having a bigger family like this would make him feel so much better, so much happier.

And now, it wasn't all up to him anymore. Because he had people he could talk to. People who could help him.

He wouldn't have to stay up late at night because of Lonnie anymore, he could actually get a good nights sleep. He could feel safe again.

And everything had prepared him for when his boyfriend had walked to his house, in the rain, at 3am, just so that they could see eachother again. Hold eachother. Just enjoy eachothers company.

It had been a hell of a year for them both. They'd both been through a lot. But things were better now. Things felt simple again.

Because now they weren't just something inbetween. And they weren't just infatuated, they were in love. And the Ephialt was over.

Because they had eachother. And they'd never need anyone else.

The end.

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