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Askel stood silently in the room of requirement. A crying Harry stood next to him. Harry tried his best to stop the flowing of tears but for some reason, they would not cease.

"Take my hand," Askel grumbled as he slowly put his hand out

Harry sniffled and gently took Askel's hand. They folded together like two missing puzzle pieces. Askel dragged Harry deeper into the room of requirement.

"We need to hide the Half-Blood Prince's book, where no one ever finds it," he stated, "Including you."

He stopped in the middle of the room. Harry's sobs had died down to only a few lonely tears that kept escaping. His heart rate slowed down with every minute that passed. Askel's presence was calming.

Suddenly the sound of a bird interrupted their thoughts.

"What was that?" They both asked

Askel gave a small smile to the young man who chuckled back.

"See? You never know what you'll find up here," Askel said, "All right, close your eyes. That way, you can't be tempted."

Askel took the book.

"Close your eyes." He demanded

Harry sighed and closed his eyes. Askel slowly walked backward and began looking for a place to hide the book. After several minutes he found a stack of drawers and he silently opened one placing it inside. When he finished he walked back to Harry who still had his eyes closed.

He smiled at the young man who looked exhausted. He reached up with his hand and placed it on Harry's cheek.

"You need rest," he whispered gently

Harry blushed and reached up to touch Askel's hand.


Askel sat on the ledge of the north tower

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Askel sat on the ledge of the north tower. He knew it was dangerous but he didn't care.

"You can get killed by that you know?" Harry said quietly as he leaned over the ledge.

"Lucky me then," Askel sighed as he teetered his way over the edge.

Harry looked frightened but kept his mouth shut. Harry glanced at Askel. He didn't look as sad as he used to, especially from what happened last year. Instead, he looked extremely lost.

"Do you still think about Chul?" Harry blurred out

Askel's heart skipped a beat but otherwise, he didn't react.

"I'm always thinking of Chul," he answered

"You seem less sad...?" Harry observed

Askel smiled gently as he stared at his feet and the endless-looking sky underneath.

"I've gotten better at hiding it..." he chuckled, "just cause you can't see it doesn't means it's not there."

"I suppose I can relate to that too," Harry sighed as he stared out at the hills, "everyone thinks I'm this brave young man. But I'm mostly just... terrified. All the time."

TILBEDE (HARRY POTTER X MALE OC)Where stories live. Discover now