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It was a dark and stormy evening

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It was a dark and stormy evening. Water droplets began to fall slowly from the sky. Askel blinked as they hit his skin. Hayes stood next to him looking completely nonchalant about the rain.

"The night seems a bit darker and solemn today," Hayes muttered

Askel brushed out his newly blonde hair with his fingers and ignored the man's comments. The clouds covered the sky and he squinted to see the stars. To his disappointment, he saw nothing but dark balls of fluff.

The night seems different, cautious. Askel felt on edge. He had scored his wand from Hayes after persuading him into letting him hold it.

As Askel began walking, Hayes followed behind him quietly. They trekked through the little snow that was a reminder of winter coming to an end. Little flowers sprouted from the ground along with brushed-up weeds. The increasing chances that spring was near were becoming evident.

They came across a gaggle of students stumbling their way after a long study session.

"Remember when life was that simple?" Murmured Hayes

"My life was never simple," Askel commented, "not with the family I lived with."

They went back to a brief moment of blissful silence before they heard a panicked whispering. They turned their heads to see Draco Malfoy hurrying past them he didn't even notice either of them standing right there.

"That seems like fun," Askel murmured

"No, no, no, no, no," Hayes spat as he ran after Askel who chased Draco

Askel skirted around a corner as Hayes ran after him.

"Why do you always have to ruin a perfect evening?" Hayes complained as they came to a stop.

"Shush!" Askel snapped

They both looked at an anxious-looking Draco Malfoy. He paced back and forth in front of a wall. He was muttering to himself, tears were in his eyes.

"He needs his Valium," Aske muttered, "Ow!"

Askel glared at Hayes who had just slapped him upside the head. He rubbed his head and muttered curse words before focusing on Draco again, who was now staring at a door that had appeared out of nowhere. Draco walked through it while trembling.

"Let's go!" Askel said and before Hayes could say anything, Askel had run after Draco.

He pushed through the door as fast as he could and his eyes adjusted momentarily. He looked around to see several random things littered across the room.

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