Chapter 2

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I adjust my clothes and run my hands through my hair before collapsing back into the chair behind my desk. I tilt my head back and take a deep breath, trying to refocus myself. As I breathe in deep, a new scent emerges from behind my closed door. I take another breath, letting the smell coat my lungs and taking a moment to analyze it. It's light, delicate, but warm and inviting. It's like nothing I've ever smelled before. The hard knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts as my new pack member requests entrance. 

"Come in!" I call. 

I watch as the door swings open, the smell flooding into my office like ocean waves. I feel my heart begin to beat a little faster, a strange tingling developing in my fingers and toes. I've never experienced anything like it. I clear my throat a little and readjust in my chair just a figure walks through the door. My eyes ping up and instantly clash with the brightest pair of green eyes I've ever seen in my life. My beast begins to rumble in my chest and lets out a low growl. Not one of anger, but of possession. Dominance. And finally my mind realizes what my wolf has suspected all day. 

There's a new Omega on my pack lands. 

When the woman hears the sound, she gasps slightly and takes a step back, those beautiful eyes widening in surprise. I hear her heart begin to pound wildly in her chest, but she relaxes her face and takes a few deep breaths, gathering her senses impressively. 

"Alpha Atlas." she says politely, baring her neck to me in submission. 

But I barely see the movement. No, my eyes are too busy absorbing her form. She's tall. At least for an Omega. And rather than being frail and delicate, she's full and plump. Thick hips, soft belly, strong shoulders, long hair dark as night. Even her lips are full, inviting, begging to be bitten. 

"Alpha?" she asks, pulling me out of my haze. 

"Yes. Sit. Please." I say, motioning towards the chair in front of my desk. She nods and sits, her breasts bouncing with the movement and my wolf begins to drool in my mind. 

"What's your name?" I ask. 

"Isla." she responds. My wolf is clearly taken with her, turning affectionate at only the mention of her name. I internally scold him, crossing my arms over my chest as I appraise her. 

"And you are requesting acceptance into my pack?" I ask. She nods while maintaining eye contact with me and it's the sexiest fucking thing I've ever experienced in my life. 

"At least I was." she murmurs and my mind snaps back into focus.

"What does that mean?" I ask. 

"You are attached, right?" she asks. 

"No. I am not." I say firmly. 

"You smell attached." she says, her nose crinkling in disgust. I pull the collar of my shirt down to show her I bear no mark, and she sighs audibly as if she's disappointed. 

"I am not attached. Just helping an Omega through her heat." Isla rolls her eyes at my explanation and my wolf melts at her display of insolence. 

Fucking pup. 

"Actually, I find myself quite intrigued by you." I add, grinning at her slightly. She huffs in response, her face going hard. My wolf and I are both disappointed by her reaction, but I refuse to let my emotions play over my face. 

"I'm not interested. I only came to this pack because I thought the Alpha was attached. I asked numerous people, and they all assured me you were." she snaps, her body vibrating with anger. My mind begins to spin with her statement, the validity of her feelings so at odds with our nature I'm struggling to understand them. 

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