Chapter 16

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In the weeks since Isla had accepted my offer of an attachment, things has settled in much better than I anticipated. I figured she would have a few panic attacks, or maybe change her mind and would need some reassurance, but she seemed just as certain today as she did when she made the decision. 

I was not only as sure of the choice, but more so. It seemed every day she did something new that made me fall for her more and more. She was sweet and caring towards me, but never seemed scared to make it known when I was irritating her. 

Which my wolf and I like to do on purpose on occasion. 

"Atlas?" Isla's voice floats through the still dark morning. 

"Yes, sweetheart?" I inquire, rolling over in bed and reaching for her. Once my hand makes contact with her warm, soft skin, the beast in me immediately settles and all feels right with the world. 

"I'm hungry." she whines. I look up at her to see a slight pout to her face and I can't help but chuckle. She was so independent, almost to her detriment. But now she seems to enjoy asking me to do things for her. 

Especially when it means getting out of bed. 

"And what would my little wolf like to eat?" I ask, moving closer to her and rubbing my cheek against her shoulder before kissing her bare skin up to her neck. 

"Meat." she says firmly and I chuckle again. It's clear her heat is barreling down on us and her body is storing protein to prepare, trying to make her as ready as possible to become pregnant. 

"Of course. I'll be back soon, just stay here and relax." I murmur in her ear, kissing her cheek before pushing up out of bed. I cross over to the closet where I moved my things in quickly so Isla didn't have a chance to change her mind and pull on a pair of pants. I hear a little growl from behind me and turn to see Isla watching me with a displeased look on her face. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. 

"I don't like it when you put on clothes." she huffs at me and I barrel out a laugh, crossing the room to kiss her gently. 

"I'm making bacon, little wolf. I don't want hot grease splashing on my dick." I reason with her, but she only turns thoughtful and I wait for her to respond. 

"Can you imagine if your dick tasted like bacon? I'd never stop sucking it." she whispers, more to herself than me and I laugh again, shaking my head slightly as I leave the room. 

After I finish feeding my girl, I head to my office to finish up some things before we take a few days off. I won't leave Isla's side during her heat, so work around the pack will be carried out by Arlo, but there are still some important details I need to see to before then, especially today. 

I have an important transfer to see off. 

"Alpha." Ellery says in her nasally voice, showing her neck in submission. She's not supposed to be in my office without my, but after today I never have to see her again so I choose to ignore it. 

"You ready for your new pack?" I inquire. I leave the door open before rounding my desk and grabbing her paperwork. I made sure it was on top and already filled out so this conversation could be kept as brief as possible. 

"Yes, I suppose I am. Change is good. Sometimes." she says. I nod in agreement. I don't really care if she's ready or not. She's leaving and that's all that matters. 

"Well, here's the documentation you'll need for your new Alpha. Good luck and goodbye." I say, handing her the stack of papers. Her hand rubs against mine as she takes them from me and I feel my skin crawl at the minor contact. 

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