Chapter 21

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My heat lasted for three days. And for the first time in my life, I enjoyed every moment of it. Being marked was something I was always scared of. I assumed if it were happening, it was against my will. 

But I could not have been more wrong. 

Atlas made it one of the most special experiences of my life, and I will be forever grateful for that. 

So when I woke up this morning, feeling back to normal, I was more disappointed by it than I would like to admit. 

"What's wrong, little wolf?" Atlas asks gently from next to me as he reaches out to run his hand down the bare skin of my back. I shiver at the touch and move closer to him, nuzzling my face against the soft smattering of hair on his chest. 

"I don't wanna go back to the real world." I whine, tightening my hold on him as I pout like a petulant child. He laughs warmly, pecking a kiss to my head as he wraps his arms around me. He lets out a contented sigh and I feel his body relax under my touch. He hasn't closed his mind to me, so I can tell he shares the sentiment.

"I know, love. But I've never been away from the pack this long. They're probably in shambles." he says and I bark out a laugh before I can stop myself. He pulls away to look down at me and I try to stifle my grin. "Why are you laughing?" he asks. 

"I think you have overinflated your importance, Atlas." I say, patting his chest. "I'm sure the pack survived just fine on their own for a few days." I add. Atlas huffs before swatting my ass. 

"Just you wait. When we leave here, the whole place will be absolute chaos. I guarantee it." he says resolutely as I hold back my giggle. 

"Yes, Alpha." I say in a teasing tone that earns me another frustrated grunt before he lifts me out of bed and carries me towards the bathroom. 

"Bathe, woman. I have a point to make." he says as he starts the shower and pulls me in with him. 

Not long later, Atlas and I step out onto the porch into the cool morning air. I take a deep breath, sucking in the fresh smell of the crisp new day. A heat takes a toll on us in multiple ways. It's not natural for us to be inside for so long, so the feeling of the sun's rays soaking into my skin as we make our way towards the dining hall feels incredible. Atlas reaches out to grab my hand, twirling our fingers together. I look up at him and grin. He smiles back and leans down to bump our foreheads together in a sweet gesture before pulling me towards the rest of the pack again. 

We walk at a leisurely pace as the rest of the pack bustles around us. Kids run around the field playing tag while their parents watch. It's a sweet sight that fills me with hope that are pack can be different from so many others. 

'It will be' Atlas links me. 'We'll make sure of it.' he adds. I nod in agreement as we reach the hall. Atlas opens the door for me and ushers me in. I stop just inside the door as I feel Atlas come up behind me. 

We look around to see people eating, chatting, preparing for their day. Nothing out of the ordinary. I look up and smile at Atlas, tugging on his hand so he looks at me. 

"You're right, Alpha. Absolute chaos." I tease. He grunts at me just as people start to notice our entrance. 

A sudden quiets descend on the busy room, people looking between us in surprise. I don't miss the occasional glances at my neck where my mark is proudly displayed. I hear a few giggles from some of the younger girls because applause rings out loudly through the room. I let out an anxious laugh, not quite sure how to react. 

I'm not used to getting so much attention. 

I look up at Atlas to see him beaming. His smile is wider than I've ever seen it before and my previous apprehension immediately lifts, a lightness taking over my body as I choose to enjoy this moment, rather than wait for something bad to happen. I deserve to be happy. 

'That you do, little wolf.' I hear Atlas' voice in my head as he hears my thoughts. The idea of an Alpha in my mind would have terrified me a short time ago, but now hearing his steady voice ring through my mind is only a comfort to me. He lifts my hand and presses a kiss to it, making the pack go wild with excitement, before he lifts a hand to gently quiet them all. 

"Thank you for the warm reception everyone, but we don't want to frighten your new Luna away so how about we take it down a notch." he says and they all comply, going quiet. There's still a buzz of excitement among the group that I can feel more than hear as I make my way towards the back, searching out someone I've missed. 


"Good morning, Luna." she says with a dramatic curtsey that makes me laugh. 

"Don't be ridiculous, Ys. Please call me Isla." I say firmly. She giggles in response and nods before she throws her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. 

"It hasn't been the same without you the last few days." she says as she pulls away. She tucks my hair back and looks me over, his eyes brimming with emotion that makes my throat clog with happy tears. 

"Well, I've been a little busy." I say and her eyes turn teasing as she crosses her arms over her chest. 

"Oh, I bet you were." she says, her voice going husky as she teases me. I laugh and roll my eyes, walking towards the back of the room and urging me to follow her. 

"Actually, there's something I've been wanting to say to you." I admit as my pulse begins to quicken. I'm not sure why, but this conversation has me more nervous than the marking. My eyes flit to Atlas and he must know what I'm about to say because he gives me an encouraging nod. 

"What's going on, Isla? Is everything okay?" Ys asks as she reaches out and rubs my arm in a soothing motion. I nod and take a deep breath before making eye contact with her. 

"Yes. Everything's great. It's just... I'm not very good with these things. Emotions, being vulnerable, opening up and talking about my feelings. That's not the way I grew up, but I'm trying to change that now. To become a better person. For Atlas and for our pack." I say and she nods in understanding. 

"Okay. I understand what you're saying." she says earnestly.  I smile slightly and nod, taking another deep breath before I continue. 

"What I'm trying to say, Ys, is that, you're the best friend I've ever had. You're like the sister I've always wanted. And... I love you." I finish, watching her face for her reaction. She takes in a quick breath before her eyes soften. She reaches out to hold my hand, giving me a gentle squeeze before she speaks. 

"I love you too, Isla. You're an amazing person and I'm so grateful you're here." she says, her voice quaking with emotion. I let out the breath I'd been holding and reach out to hug her quickly. We both laugh a little as she pulls away, still smiling brightly at me. 

"So, as your best friend, I think that means I get to take control of the next very important moment in your life." she says excitedly. 

"And what's that?" I ask. 

"Your Luna ceremony." 

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