Chapter 15

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I watch the look on Atlas' face as the meaning of my words clicks in his mind. First he's confused, then shocked. I get a little nervous until a warm smile spreads across his lips. He looks at me with a warmth in his eyes that I don't think I've ever seen before. It makes me light up from the inside out. I smile back at him as he takes a step towards me. He reaches out for my hands, holding them tightly as he runs his thumbs along the top of my hands in a sweet movement. 

"Isla. Are you sure?" he asks quietly. I nod and continue smiling, worried that if I speak I'll cry. 

"I just don't want you to feel pressured. Maybe you should wait a few days. The effects of your heat may still be affecting you." he adds, but I just nod again. 

"I'm sure, Atlas. These last few days, well... If you treat me even half as well for our lives together, I'll be happy. It's more than I ever thought I would get to have in an attachment." I say and Atlas looks thoughtful before tugging on my hands and enfolding me in a firm embrace. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest. 

"Sweetheart, you'll never be treated like anything other than the gift you are. I promise." he murmurs, kissing my head and holding me tightly for a long moment. "But you can change your mind. If you want to." he adds and my heart patters a little at how sweet he is. I pull away to look up at him, reaching up to hold his face with my hands. 

"You're everything I never even dreamed to hope for, Atlas. And I want to spend forever with you." I say, looking him in the eye so he knows I'm telling the truth. He smiles again, softer this time, before tilting his head to kiss my palm. 

"You know what that means then, right?" he asks. 


"I'm not going anywhere." he says with a devious grin before reaching down to swoop my into his arms. I let out a startled shriek that makes him chuckle as I cling to him. He carries me towards the couch and sits down with me in his lap, pulling me into his chest. I relax in his hold, nuzzling my face into my neck so I can take in his amazing scent. I'm not sure if it's my heat or my acceptance of our attachment, but everything about him seems so much more intriguing now. His voice, the way he smells, even the feel of his skin against mine is like velvet. I'm almost worried about how addicted to him I'm becoming, but I trust him to take care of my soul, as I will do for his. 

"What are you thinking so hard about, little wolf?" he murmurs into the quiet morning. 

"What exactly I'm getting myself into." I respond cheekily. This makes him laugh heartily, shaking his head at me as he leans down to kiss me. 

"I think I'm the one that should be worried. I have a feeling you're going to be a handful. But so incredibly worth it." he says. I giggle as I relax into his embrace, my wolf purring contentedly in my mind as she enjoys the touch of the Alpha she's wanted for so long. 

"We can't stay locked up in this house forever, you know." I tease. Atlas huffs a little and holds me tighter. 

"I'm an Alpha. I'll do whatever I want." he grunts as he clings to me, refusing to let me go.

"Atlas..." I warn. He huffs again, burying his face in my neck. 

"Fine. We'll go out amongst the pack. Tomorrow." he snaps. I laugh again and stand off of his lap, pulling up off the couch and towards the stairs. 

"Tomorrow." I say, pulling him towards the bedroom. 

The next morning, we arrive at breakfast slightly later than normal. I'm sure most people have figured out where their Alpha disappeared to the last couple of days, but that doesn't stop the curious glances from our fellow pack members when we walk in the door. I see a few grins from the women while the men mostly avoid looking at me. I hear Atlas' low chuckle from next to me before he leans over to whisper in my ear. 

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