Chapter 6

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I watch with amusement as Isla's cheeks redden at my statement. Despite her brash and firm façade, I get the feeling she's actually very sweet once you make it past her heavily guarded walls. But I didn't say what I did to get a reaction out of her. Honestly, it's the truth. She's only been here a day and she already seems to be assimilating better than any other wolf I've met. It could be due partly to her constant traveling, but my wolf and I get the sense that she fits in well here. That she somehow belongs with this pack. 

And hopefully with us as well. 

"Are you ready?" the little pixie asks from next to me. I look down at her to see her studying me intently. Her eyes bright with excitement. 

"For what?" I ask. 

"A run." she says, nudging me playfully. I then remember what I told her the plan for the day would be. I had hoped to cook her dinner again, but it seems Ysabel already made plans for that so I'll have to bide my time. I'm fine with that. I want her making friends, and Ysabel is one of my favorite pack members. 

"Yes. I need to check in with Arlo and then we'll go." I say, standing and carrying both of our plates to the women in the kitchen. We both thank them for breakfast and I wait as Isla makes plans to come back this afternoon. They seem warm and receptive to her making my hopes grow even more. That's another reason I'd never attach myself to Ellery.

She's incredibly unlikable. 

"Well, let's go. I'm not waiting all day, Alpha. I'll just go without you, you know." Isla teases, walking towards the door and not bothering to wait for me. I go to follow her quickly as an errant chuckle escapes me. 

"I have no doubt you would have no issues leaving me behind. But for your first trip around the pack I'd like to accompany you. Also, I don't like my pack members going near the border when it's dark. We have a large pack, not every inch of it can be guarded and harming one of my pack members has become a bit of pastime for rogues and other wolves wanting to gain favor in their pack." I warn sternly. Some of the joy slips from her face, her whole mood shifting from excitement to concern. 

"Why is that?" she asks. I sigh as I walk towards the training grounds where I plan to shift with her. 

"Being a strong Alpha comes with a heavy price." I say, moving a little closer to her just to feel the brush of her shoulder against my arm. "Harming or killing one of my pack members shows my weakness. Proves I'm not infallible. Even though I never claimed to be. They're cowards, all of them. Sneaking around in the dark of night, only harming those unable to defend themselves." I say, unable to hide the sad tilt to my voice. A moment later, I feel a warm pressure in my hand and look down, shocked to find Isla's hand entwined with mine. I look back up at her, her eyes wide and sad. 

"You're a good Alpha." she practically whispers before she pulls her hand away. "Where are we shifting?" she asks, trying to sway the mood back to playful and fun. I decide to do the same, putting away my fears for another time. 

"Over here." I say, nudging her towards some trees. 

"Okay. No peeking." she says firmly, pointing at me as she walks backwards towards the trees. I grin and fight the urge to do just what she told me not to, heading in another direction until I can't see her, but can still hear her. 

I strip down quickly and shift, my wolf so anxious to show himself off I can barely get my pants off before he rips them. I stretch and shake out my fur, enjoying the feel of the light breeze feathering through it. I hear a cheerful little yip through the trees and make my way out to see a warm brown wolf, small in stature but her shoulders pulled back and head held high. I can practically see the excitement radiating from her body as she bounds towards me. 

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