Chapter 5

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I sleep better than I have in years, waking up with an unfamiliar stiffness in my muscles from staying in the same position for so long. My eyes blink as they adjust to the brightness of the sun shining through the window. I open them slowly, trying to savor the last few moments of rest before I figure out what this day will bring. I look out the window to see birds flying over the treetops, a warm glow encircling the pack. A small smile slowly spreads across my face, the warmth of the sun somehow permeating through my whole body, making me feel light for the first time since I was a child and hadn't yet been made privy to the cruelties of the world. 

After a few more moments soaking in the beauty of the morning, I roll out of bed to prepare for the day. The first week in a new pack is always the hardest, learning the way of the people, trying to find a place to fit in while earning their trust. It's hard for someone who's never been good with people, but I need to try my best if only for my wolf. She needs to feel part of a pack to feel truly at ease. 

"Isla!" I hear my name called, followed by the rapping of knuckles on the front door. I roll my eyes despite the small smile on my face as I descend the stairs and swing open the door. 

"Morning, Alpha." I say, leaning against the door frame, staring up at the large man as he looms over me. 

"What did I say, Isla?" he murmurs, his voice smooth as he smiles down at me. 

"Sorry, Atlas." I respond cheekily, huffing at him to show my displeasure at his ridiculous rule. "Have you come to escort me to breakfast?" I ask and Atlas nods. 

"Yes. I thought we could discuss your responsibilities around the pack on the way." he says, moving out of the way so I can move past him and down the path towards the smell of food.

"I wish you had sent Arlo instead. He's a much better conversationalist than you." I tease. It's not exactly true. Despite my prior biases against Alpha's, Atlas is actually quite interesting to talk to. 

But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy annoying him. 

"That's interesting." he murmurs. 

"Why?" I ask. 

"Arlo told me he had a hard time shutting you up." he quips back, chuckling to himself as I gape at him in shock. 

"Tell me, little wolf, what would you like to do in the pack?" he asks me, quickly changing the subject. I think on his question for a moment before I look up at him to gauge his reaction to my next question. 

"Are you giving me the option because you do that for everyone, or because you want me to agree to an attachment with you?" I ask. I watch his face as he thinks on his answer. I thought he would get defensive or maybe even angry at me questioning his decisions, but instead he only appears to be considering my question. 

"I give everyone an option of what they want to do. I feel they will be more productive and happier if they get to do what they want. But, if I feel like they would better serve the pack somewhere else, I encourage them into that role instead with the understanding that if it doesn't make them happy they can always change." he responds. 

It's a fair way to run the pack, that's clear to see. It's also incredibly reasonable, which isn't common for Alpha's. 

"So women can be warriors?" I ask. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise and my wolf can sense his unease at my question. 

"Yes..." he responds, clearly unsure of where I'm going with this line of questioning. 

"I'm not interested in being a warrior." I say back. His shoulders visibly relax and I realize he would have allowed me to follow that path if I had asked, despite clearly not wanting me to. "I'm too small and terribly clumsy." I add. Atlas chuckles, a low sound that both my wolf and I enjoy. 

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