Chapter 3

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I turn to look at him for a long moment, not sure what to say. He seems so foreboding. So intimidating. He's easily the largest Alpha I've ever seen. Tall, muscular, dark hair and eyes. 

He looks dangerous. 

I have no interest in being his plaything. That's all Omegas are to their Alphas. Something to be owned. Controlled. Used. 

"Why are you being so adamant about this?" I ask, only a moment away from begging him to let me go. To send me somewhere else. But my pride just won't let me. 

Not yet. 

"Because I believe you could be happy here, Isla. If you gave us a chance. Not me, but the pack. If you change your mind, are willing to try things with me... Well, that'd just be a bonus." he says with a grin that makes my heart stutter in my chest. He may be deadly, but fuck he's beautiful. 

"Alpha-" I start, but am cut off by the door opening. 

"My Beta will show you to your new home." he says, ushering me out of the room. He gets close to me. Very close, but doesn't touch me. My beast stirs in my brain. She wants him. I can tell. But we are symbiotic. Neither one of us controls the other. She allows me to suppress our most basic instincts, to keep my humanity at the center of my mind. 

She knows it keeps us safe. 

"I saw the pack house on my way in. I can make it there myself." I say, swinging my bag up over my shoulder. My hair flips and I notice the way the Alpha takes in my scent. My stomach drops when I realize how focused he is on me already. He chuckles quietly and looks at his Beta. I can tell they're mind linking and wait for them to stop. 

"You aren't going to the pack house, little wolf." Alpha Atlas says. 

"Why not?" I ask. 

"Take her to the Trosper house." he tells his Beta. The Beta nods once and turns to leave, obviously expecting me to follow. 

But I'm not that kind of Omega.

I stay rooted to the spot, glaring daggers at the Alpha until he stops moving back towards his deck. He looks up at me, clear surprised evident on his smug face as he waits for me to speak. 

"I want to stay in the pack house." I snap, my hands tightening into fists at my side. Alpha sighs and falls down into his chair, running an annoyed hand down his face. 

"You can have anything you want, Isla. But not that." he says. His tone is almost gentle. Not at all what I'd expect from an exasperated Alpha. 

"And why not?" I ask, my tone sharper than I intended. But that's fine. 

Let him see what he's getting himself into. 

"That's where all unmated wolves stay. It's not safe for you to be there. Especially during your heat." he says. His explanation is touching in a way. And not completely invalid. 

"I can take care of myself." I say.

"I believe that." he responds. 

"And where does your Omega stay?" I ask. His brow furrows in confusion.

"My Omega?" he asks. 

"Yes. The one that you reek of." I snap. The fact that he just fucked another Omega and is now propositioning me for an attachment is disgusting. I decide to hold onto that outrage for as long as possible. 

"Ah. Her. She stays with her parents. Until she finds an Alpha who wants her." he says. I let out a sharp laugh, unable to stop myself.

"Based on how you smell, you wanted her not too long ago." I say, pure venom lacing my tone. His eyes narrow as he stares me down and for the first time since I've entered this office I realize just how intimidating he can be. 

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