Bad Men....

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The next day, me and Mike are in our basement, and I am staring at the basement door. Mike got mad and started destroying the blanket fort thing that we were having El live in. "Mike-" I started in a low and shaky tone. "This is stupid," he said. I got up and walked over to him. He turned to me and hugged me. Mike knows I like El and he explained to me that he was mad at her for leaving before you could tell her anything. We stayed like that for a couple minutes till we let go. Dustin came over and Mike and Dustin were talking about what Mike needed to do and then we left the house to apparently go get Lucas then find El.

We were at Lucas's house, and they talked to him while I stayed behind. He let us in, and they made a deal and now Dustin was explaining that we can't split up. I drowned them out and thought about will. I closed my eyes to see if I could see him again. It started to work but them screaming took me out of my focusing so I stopped. Lucas then said he was going to the gate and find Will. We left and went to go find El. They were talking about something, but I didn't understand. That was until Dustin said something that I joined in. "This girl shows up and all you and Maddie do is pay attention to her," Dustin said. "Not true," me and Mike both said. "It is and you know it," Dustin finishes. I just listen to him not wanting to speak any more than I already have. We stop at a grocery store that looked like was robbed. We knew El had to of done this, so we biked down that street and kept going.

We were still going when Troy and James showed up. "Run," Dustin screamed and dropped his bike. Me and Mike did the same and ran. They ran after us. I was scared. We ran all the way to the Quarry, but Dustin got a cramp. We were cornered. The boys did dumb stuff and tried to attack them, but Troy got a hold of Dustin and was holding a pocketknife to his neck. James grabbed Mike and was asking him how he did that. I was standing in the middle of all this, and I just backed away towards the edge of the quarry but made sure not to go all the way to the edge. Dustin exposed El and I just grabbed the bridge of my nose. I let go and continued watching this go on. Troy threatened Dustin and I got mad. "Let him go," I started. Troy looked at me. "LET HIM GO," I yelled but making sure not to go to a high-pitched voice. "I'll let him go. Sure. But first, it's your turn," Troy said to me. "My turn for what," I asked him. "What," I asked him. "Jump, or toothless here gets an early trip to the dentist," he said. Me, Mike, and James all turned to the cliff edge. "No, No Maddie Don't," Mike and Dustin said at the same time to me. "Alright just hold on, Hold On," I told them. I walked over to the edge. Mike and Dustin kept screaming at me, telling me don't but I couldn't hear them. I looked over the edge. It was a far way down. I looked back at them then back to the edge. Troy counted down to him about to cut Dustin and when he said one, I jumped.

                         Mike's P.O.V

Me and Dustin were being held and were screaming at Maddie to not jump. When she jumped, Troy and James let me and Dustin go and we ran to the edge to see, Maddie, Floating. We were confused. She then was flown back up and over us and onto the gravel. We walked slowly to her but stopped. She looked to her left, so I looked too. There she was. El was right there and she saved my sister.

                         Maddie's P.O.V

I looked to see El walked over. and Troy tried to get Infront of Dustin and James but El pushed James backwards. She then tilted her head to the side and broke Troy's arm. "Go," El told Troy and James. They ran off which left Me, Dustin, and Mike with El even if I was still on the floor. I was staring at El amazed and didn't hear what Dustin told James and Troy, but I looked towards the two and smiled. El actually saved me, wow. I heard a thump and turned to see El on the floor. I got up and ran to her. "El, are you okay?" I asked her. "Maddie," she said, now crying. "I'm sorry," she finished. "Sorry, what are you sorry for," I asked her. "The gate...... I opened it. I'm the monster," she said. "No, no El you're not the monster. You saved me, you understand, you saved me," I told her with a smile on my face. I pulled her into a hug and Mike and Dustin joined in. We then got up and went back to the forest and got our bikes then rode back to mine and Mike's house. I saw this car and stared right into the man's eyes. I gave him a weird look and just kept walking. When we got into the basement, I had a feeling something was going to happen.

Me and El went into the bathroom in the basement and she looked in the mirror. I cleaned the blood off her nose, and we talked a little bit till she started to lean into me. I started to also, but we were interrupted by Dustin saying Lucas was in trouble. We tried to listen to what he was saying. He was talking about...... the bad men. Mike ran upstairs and Dustin followed. I stayed with El and waited for them. they came and we ran. I had El get on my bike as we started biking. The cars started chasing us. We took a short-cut and kept biking. Lucas met us and we thought we lost them till they rounded the corner. We sped off but more cars blocked us from in front. I just kept going until the car flipped over us. It was cool and perfect. We kept going, not looking back at all. 

We made it to the junkyard and stopped. They were talking about her flipping the van. They also made up while I was keeping a look out. Not sure if they would find us or not. We were talking about the government. I heard a helicopter and we all looked. It was coming straight for us, so we pushed our bikes under the bus and hid in the bus. I was scared, really scared. We were still hiding when I heard my Super com go off. It was Nancy. I grabbed my super com. They all thought it was a trick. The chief answered and told me to answer so I did. "Yes, I copy," I said into the walkie talkie. "I'm here, we're all here," I finished. I told them where we were and zoned out. They started arguing when we heard a car. It was the Bad men. I was now shaking uncontrollably, and my breathing was going faster. We then heard fighting then someone walking onto the bus. They all stood up while I was still sitting there having a panic attack. They got off the bus and I felt like I was going to faint. My breathing got deeper and then my vision went black.

           Nancy's P.O.V

They all came inside the house, and I sighed in relief. But I then noticed that Maddie wasn't there. "Where is Maddie?" I asked, a little worried. Mike and the other 3 looked at hopper and so I ran to his car. I walked to the back to see Maddie unconscious in the seat of the car. I am guessing she had a panic attack and fainted. I went over to her and tried to wake her up. She woke up and I just hugged her. The others were now outside watching this. watching what was going on.

A/N: I am going to end it here because it is almost midnight. I will try to finish the first season tomorrow, but I might not because I am going somewhere but I hope I will be able to finish it tomorrow since there is only one episode left of this season. Goodnight or whatever time it is for you. Just have a good rest of your day.

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