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I am back guys/girls/others!!!!

I have been focusing on school so that I don't have to do summer school and I would be able to get the last few chapters out.

I have also been having some problems going on in my personal life, but I am pushing through and soon I will be out of school. I won't like being out of school because I will miss all my friends, but I can't do anything about it.

I have also been posting more on my YouTube channel and my Tik Tok. So, if you ever want to check those out, you can.

YouTube: Shadowwolfbox246

TikTok: same as YouTube except look for when it the display name says "Mason Rose Wheeler"

I know it is the name as my Oc but I really love the name, so I decided to use it.

But I am still working on chapter 7 and it will hopefully be out to you guys soon.

Bye for now guys!! 🫶


"I Will Love You Two For The Rest of My Life" -MasonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang