The Gate

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Mike was still freaking out and I now wish I hadn't fallen asleep so that I knew what was going on. Mike was brought back in, and he went to the syringe. "We need to make Will sleep," Mike told us. "What," Joyce asked him. "He's the spy, if he knows where we are then so does the shadow monster," I told the three. "They're, lying," Will yelled. "He killed the soldiers, he'll kill us too," Mike finished. Will started constantly yelling "They're lying" and trying to get off the bed but Bob and Joyce were holding him down. We heard gunshots and yelling coming from outside. Joyce then was trying to calm Will down and asked him, "Do you know who I am." Will hesitated but the stuttered saying, "You're. you're, you're mom." Joyce then asked Bob to hold Will down and bob did as he was told. Will panicked and so Joyce got him to sleep with the stuff in the syringe. Hopper came in and said we had to go so we started running. We made it to a room with tapes. I was terrified because of what was happening. Bob said something and so we all looked at the cameras. The lab was swarming with those little Demogorgon things. Suddenly the power went out in the entire Lab, so the cameras shut off. They were making a plan to try and get the power back so we could escape. Hopper tried to go but Bob said all sorts of things that I have no clue, but I knew he was talking about resetting the breakers. It was decided that bob was going because he knew how to code and get everything working again. We all stayed in the room while Hopper was helping Bob get a gun. I thought to myself that we could use El, but I had no idea where she went after that day. We were still waiting until the power came back and we could see the cameras. Bob then did everything else and then said on the walkie talkie that he would meet us there. We started walking out but the doctor said he was going to stay there so he could direct Bob to the exit.

We made it to the exit and were told to wait outside the door, so we did. I heard a door slam open, and I looked inside. I saw Bob was alive and I sighed in relief. That all changed when one of the dogs broke through the door and were now on top of Bob. Mike saw my face and asked me what was going on. I told him that Bob most likely won't make it out. He was devastated and I looked away because I did not want to watch it. I could hear Joyce screaming and a tear fell down my cheek. We were then told to get to the car but then another car showed up. It was Nancy and Jonathan. Me, Joyce, Mike, And Will all got in the back, and it was perfect because Will hand to lay across our laps. We then sped off and made our way to the front gate. When we sped by, I looked and saw Steve. I was confused on why Steve was here but now isn't the time. 

When we got to the house, we had set Will on the couch. I and the party were sitting at the table while Hopper was making a call. When he hung up Dustin asked a question. "They didn't believe you did they." "We'll see," Hopper said. "We'll, see? We can't just sit here while those things are loose," Mike said in an annoyed tone. "We stay here, and we wait for help," Hopper had said and walked away from the phone and to Joyce's room. Mike had gotten up from his chair and went to the stuff that Bob had brought. He then picked up the cube and asked us if we knew Bob was the original founder of the Hawkins AV. "Really," Lucas asked. Mike explained everything about it then he said something that made Dustin sort of yell. "We can't let him die in vain." "Then what do you want to do Mike, we can't stop those Demo-dogs on our own." "Demo-dogs," Max asked Dustin. "Demogorgon + Dogs = Demo-dogs," Dustin explained but was stopped by Max. "When it was just Dart, maybe," Dustin started. "But there's an army," Lucas had said to finish what Dustin was saying. "His army," me and Mike said at the same time. "What do you mean," Steve asked us. "His army. Maybe if we stop him, we can stop his army too," me and Mike said at the same time again and We stared at each other but then Mike went to Will's room, and we all followed him. He picked up the drawing of the shadow monster and were now talking about it when he handed it to Dustin. Mike explained it and then said hive-mind. Steve was confused so Dustin explained it to him. Mike took the drawing and said that the shadow monster controls everything, like a brain. My eyes widened and I spoke but me and Dustin said it at the same time. "Like the Mind flayer." Lucas snapped his fingers and both Steve and Max were confused. Dustin grabbed Will's dungeon and Dragon's handbook while I got everyone to the kitchen. Dustin started explaining everything to everyone that didn't understand, and I was focused on Will. I jumped when I heard a book slam. I looked at them and was listening to them. "Even if they come, how are they going to stop this. You can't just shoot this with guns," Mike had said to the chief. "You don't know that we don't know anything," Hopper said back. "We know that it killed everybody in that lab," Mike said. "And we know the monsters are going to molt again," said Lucas backing up Mike. "And we know that it is only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town," Dustin finished. I love when they back each other up. "They're right. We have to kill it. I want to kill it," Joyce said as she walked out of the hallway. "Me-too, Me-too Joyce okay. But how do we do that," Hopper said as he was now standing in front of her. "We don't know exactly what we're dealing with here," Hopper finished. "No, but he does. If anyone know how to destroy this thing it's Will. He's connected to it. He'll know its weakness," Mike said and walked towards Will. "I thought we couldn't trust him anymore, that he's a spy for the Mind Flayer," Max stated. "Yeah but, he can't spy if he doesn't know where he is," I said, and they all turned to me. 

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