Chapter 7- The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

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Okay. So, you know what people say about drowning? That you don't inhale until you feel like your heads exploding...?

Yeah. That's what Mason is feeling right now. Not because something is cutting off his oxygen, and blood flow. But because he's on the verge of a panic attack, thinking that he's gonna die.

The bat was still biting down on his shoulder, blood flowing out of the wound like fire seeping out of a volcano. It's slow, but painful. Slowly sliding down, the back and front parts of his shoulder.

Steve was still being held down, the bats tail still tightly wrapped around his neck, while the bat from before, along with another one which flew over, was chomping down on his stomach. From both sides.

Suddenly, Mason felt the pressure from his shoulder and arm disappear, the boy looking up to see Robin, Nancy, and Eddie. The latter's having boat oars in their hands. "Hey there." Nancy hit the bat that was holding Steve with its tail. Robin was helping her as Eddie quickly rushed to help Mason.

Eddie leaned down to Mason's height from where he was still on the floor. "Hey, hey, Baby Wheeler. It's okay, it's okay. I got you." He gently pulled the shaking boy into him. Mason immediately clutching onto him for dear life.

Robin and Nancy were getting the bats off of Steve, Nancy hitting them with their oar.

Eddie quickly looked up seeing another bat coming their way. He looked down at Mason quickly letting him go, holding the younger boy's shoulders. "Okay. I know you're scare, Baby Wheeler. Okay? But I'm gonna need you to be strong right now, alright? Just cover your ears for me, okay? Can you do that for me, buddy?"

Mason's body shook as he slowly nodded. "O- okay. Y- yeah." His voice trembled.

Eddie smiled softly at him, nodding. "Okay. Just don't move." He ruffled the boy's hair, moving away from him. picking his oar back up.

The Wheeler boy covered his ears, putting his head between his knees, rocking back and forth, hid body still shaking. His shoulder only just starting to hurt now, the adrenaline being gone.

After a couple minutes, the muffled shouts and yells, the shrieking from the creatures, stopped.

A hand gently grabbed his shoulder, making him flinch. He looked up, seeing Nancy in front of him. She cuffed his cheeks, wiping a couple tears that he didn't know fell.

"Hey, it's okay. It's over." She smiled softly at him.

Robin's eyes widened slightly, moving forward. "Hey, uh, Nance? Mason's bleeding. Like... really bad."

Nancy quickly looked to the shoulder she hadn't grabbed, it being the left on, seeing the bite mark, blood seeping out of it. "Shit. Okay." She then ripped son fabric off of her shirt, gently grabbing his arm, wrapping it around his shoulder and under his armpit, making sure it's not too tight. "You're okay." She gently kissed his forehead.

Robin then bent down next to him, handing Nancy his converse that she grabbed, along with his t-shirt, before they went into the water.

Nancy quickly put on his converse, while Robin carefully put his t-shirt on, trying not to hurt him.

The two then helped him up, Robin letting the boy lean against her, the girl wrapping an arm around his waist, keeping him steady.

"Is Stevie, okay?" Mason mumbled, making Robin look down at him.

"Yeah. He's okay, Mason." She nodded, kissing his forehead.

before anyone could say anything, a loud shrieking noise was heard in the distance, making them all turn, seeing a few more bats heading towards them. They all quickly huddled together, Robin keeping a hold on Mason.

"I Will Love You Two For The Rest of My Life" -MasonWhere stories live. Discover now