The Snowball

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I decided to cut my hair and tried to style my hair like a boy. I could be considered a boy because I'm flat. {A/N: Sorry if you aren't flat but just go with it} I was in the bathroom for a long time until Nancy knocked on the door. "Maddie, come out of there, I need to do my hair." I went ahead and cleaned up the hair and unlocked the door and opened it. Nancy looked at me and her jaw dropped. "What?" I asked her. "Did you do that?" she asked me back. I nodded my head and allowed her to come into the bathroom. She went right to the sink and curled her hair. I was just finishing styling my hair and I have to saw, I looked pretty good. I walked out the bathroom and went downstairs. When I went down, I turned to see Mom taking pictures of Mike in his outfit. I was in a white buttoned up with jeans on and my normal shoes. I had put my watch and as well as a tie on and when Mike saw me, he turned and so did Mom. They looked shocked and for a moment they didn't think it was me till I said something. 

Nancy drove me and Mike to the dance and we all went in. We got to the sign in sheet and Mr. Clarke was there. "Hello Nancy, Mike, and...." "It's Maddie." "Maddie, I couldn't recognize you. Amazing look." "Thank you, Mr. Clarke," I told him, and we all went in. Nancy went to the punch to serve it and at that moment Will and Jonathan came in. Me and Mike waved Will over and we told him it was me. Lucas and Max came, and Max was just in her normal clothes. Lucas and Max were confused on who the person with them was until I spoke. The had shocked looks on their faces. I then pointed to Dustin, and they were talking about his hair. I didn't listen to them and just stood there. When they were done, "Every Breath you take" came on. Lucas asked Max to dance, and she happily took his offer and were now dancing. Some girl tried to ask Will to dance but he declined. I whispered to Mike telling him that he should take Will to the dance floor. "Why," he asked me. "Because he has a crush on you," I told him. He then asked Will to dance, and they made their way to the dance floor. "Wish me luck Maddie," Dustin told me and walked away. I sat down and waited for El. I watched Dustin get rejected a couple of times and I felt bad for him. I kept sitting there when the doors opened. There she was the girl I have been waiting for. El was looking around and when she saw me, she smiled. I stood up and smiled at her. She walked over and I asked her if she wanted to dance with me. "I don't know how," she said. "I don't either. Do you want to figure it out?" I ask her. She nodded and so I brought her to the dance floor. I just showed her based on how other people were and I think I got it right. I then leaned in and kissed her, and she kissed back. She then leaned her forehead on mine, and we just continued dancing. I had looked over at Will and Mike and they were having a good time, but Will was staring at me. He just smiled so I smiled back. This probably was the best night of my life.

A/N: Hey guys. I was thinking of making it almost exactly like season 3 when Hopper tells Mike that Nana is sick and tells him he can't see El for a bit. You guys can comment on this so that way I can know your opinions on if I should or not. I am also going to make a little quick chapter after this one and it will be Maddie coming out to her parents. But bye for now.

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