The Pollywog

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            Maddie's P.O.V

I got to school before Mike and was walking through the halls when I see Lucas run up to me, along with Max. Max asked something about why we had a funeral for Will. I let Lucas handle it on his own. I didn't really care if he wanted me to help, I didn't feel like it today. We were in class and Dustin was late. I was listening to Mr. Clarke at all. What made me focus was Dustin getting asked to focus. He then turned to me and Max and told us, "AV room, at lunch." I kept listening to Mr. Clarke, waiting for class to end.

In the AV room, Dustin showed us this thing and told us he named it something but called "him" Dart for short. I was thinking when he was put in my hands after Will. I brought it close to my face to examine it. I then handed it to Mike, and he did the same thing. I expected him to think it was slimy. I zoned out because the sound it made sounded like the things that were surrounding Will in upside down in his house. Because I was thinking how the thing, or Dart, got here, I didn't hear them talking about what it could be. I was brought back when Will went closer to the desk. I went closer too. Mike was trying to look at Dart and shined the light at Dart. Dustin then started babying Dart because apparently, he doesn't like light. I then thought that Dart was from the upside down. I looked at Will and he saw this and looked back at me. He must have read my mind because he nodded. When Will nodded his head, I got a shiver down my spine. If Dart is from the upside down, then that means. The gate was opened, and I have a feeling we are going to have to fight them ourselves since El isn't here. I was brought from my thought when the bell rang. We walked out of the AV room, and I stayed back with Will. I wanted to comfort him the best I could even if I am bad at comforting people. 

After school, me and Will went to his locker. Mike came and called his and my name. "Will, Maddie," he called us. I looked at him and just stared. Mike was trying to get us to go to Mr. Clarke's to show off Dart. Will walked up to him. Mike kept saying what so Will said, "It's about D'Artagnan." Mike looked at me and I nodded my head. His eyes widened and he ran to Mr. Clarke's classroom.

"STOP," Mike yelled as we entered the classroom. He started rambling and took the box. Dustin was confused and so I yelled at them, "We need to go right now," I told them. "RIGHT NOW," Mike yelled and ran. We ran to the AV room, but Mike closed the door before Max could come in. Dustin and Lucas tried to protest but Mike was not having it. 

I was thinking of possibilities of how Dart might have gotten to our world and was not listening to what they were saying. I closed my eyes and then I was seeing this man. He had blonde hair and was in a white suit. He had blood all over him, so I opened my eyes. I came back to Dart jumping off the counter and to the door. Max must have lock-picked the door because it opened, and Dustin ran after him. We all went different ways, and it was a couple minutes later till I went to the gym. I looked in the girl's locker room then the boys. I heard a noise, so I grabbed a broom and made my way to the back. When I rounded the corner, I saw Max. "What the hell are you doing," she sort of yelled at me. "What are you doing," I said putting the broom down, " why are you in here." "Looking for Dart," she told me. "This is the boy's room," I told her. "Yeah so," she asked me as I started to walk away. "So, you should go home," and made my way out of the locker room. She followed me. "Why do you hate me so much?" "I don't hate you; how can I hate you; I don't know you," I told her. "You don't want me in your party." "Correct." "Why not," she asked. "Because you're annoying," she backed away when I said that, so I continued. "Also, we don't need another party member. Mike and I are our paladin, Will's our cleric, Dustin's our bard, Lucas is our ranger, and El's our mage," I told her. "El, who's El." "Someone. No one," I said. "Someone or no one," she asked. "She was in our party a long time ago. She moved away okay," I told her and started walking away again. "She was a mage? What could she do, magic tricks or something," she asked as she skateboarded past me and stopped right Infront of me. "Well, I could be your zoomer." "That's not even a real thing." "It could be," she said as she got on her skateboard and started circling around me. "See, zoomer," she told me. "Mind blowing," I said to her sarcastically. "Come on, you know you're impressed," she said to me. "I don't see any tricks; you're just going in circles." "If it's so easy, you try it." "No." "Why." "Because I don't know how," I told her. "So, then you admit it's kind of awesome," she asked me. I said if I practiced all day, I could probably do that. She said something and I smiled. She kept going in circles, so I asked her to stop. All of a sudden, she fell off her board. "Woah are you okay," I asked her. "Yeah," she replied. "What happened," I asked. "It was like some magnet pulled my board. I know that sounds crazy," she said and started to walk away to grab her board. I stood there and thought. Then it hit me. I turned to the door and started walking to it.  Then I sprinted in hopes of El being there. I stormed out to find no one. I almost have lost all my hope in her being there. "Guy's, I found him," Will's voice came through the walkie talkie. He told us where and so I made my way to where Will said as fast I could. I ended up seeing Will run and he ran outside. I followed him, 'he is having another episode' I thought. Will was in the field. I ran up to him and I closed my eyes. I could see what he was seeing, and it was this huge shadow monster. It came for him and me, so I opened my eyes, and he was screaming "Go away." Bob must have taught him to say that because there was no way Will would have done that on his own. He all of a sudden stopped and started shaking. I was shaking him, trying to wake him up. He would not move at all. Mike came out, as well as Lucas and we were now trying to wake Will up, so we told Lucas to go get the others. He ran off and me and Mike kept trying. 

After a couple of Minutes brought the others as well as Mrs. Byers. Mike told her that he found Will like this. I stayed quiet and closed my eyes when I took a step back. I was where Will was, and the shadow monster had one of its legs around Will. I looked at the shadow monster and it looked at me. Then I fell and landed back in the place with the man. I did not want to face him. Not yet if he has powers since he always brings me back here somehow. He must be like Eleven, but I opened my eyes and I saw that Will was fine. Mike motioned to my nose, and I wiped it. There was blood. I just wiped it off and didn't speak of it at all. Mike was the only one that saw which was a relief. We went to the front of the school to watch Will and Joyce drive off. Will looked at me and his eyes went to black, then back to normal. Something was definitely going to happen. I really wish El was here.

A/N: 1429 words. I hope you liked it and make sure to vote. If you don't then that is fine. I just wanted to make a fun book for people to read. I might make a Male version to this, but I am still deciding. But bye for now, time to work on the next chapter.

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