Chapter 5- The Ninja Project

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So right now, it had been around six in the morning, Mason was laying down on Max, lying flat on her front, as she had her arms wrapped around him, keeping him from off. Kate Bush could faintly be heard from her headphones, as she gently rubbed up and down the shorter boys back, soothing him as he had just woken up from a nightmare. And this time... he actually lost Max.

Mason had one of his hands on the girl's neck, keeping it on her pulse point, making sure she was still here, that she wouldn't fade away.

After about ten minutes, she kissed his forehead, looking at him. "You okay now?"

The boy nodded slightly. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." He moved his head closer into her neck.

Max frowned; his voice cracking gave him away. "No. You're not. Talk to me." She felt a couple tears hit the skin of her neck, making her quickly become concerned. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?"

"I... I don't wanna l- lose you. I can't lose you." His voice as his body shook slightly.

The Mayfield girl tightened her hold on the boy, kissing his forehead again as she rubbed circles on his back. "Hey, hey, look at me. I'm not going anywhere, you hear me. You won't lose me, Mason."

The Wheeler boy sniffled slightly, nodding. "O- okay. Promise?"

Max immediately nodded. "I promise." She smiled softly. "How about we go upstairs. Yeah?"

"Okay." They shorter boy nodded, slowly getting up and off of the girl, sitting on the edge on the couch, considering everyone else took the floor and let the couple have the couch to themselves.

The red head got up too, standing up and grabbing the boy's hand, pulling him up to his feet.

She cupped his cheeks, wiping the tears away, before pulling him in for a kiss. One that had more emotion in it. After a couple seconds they pulled back, Mason blushed. She still had that effect on him, one that be both hates and loves.

Max smiled. "Come on." They both walked up the stairs and made their way towards the kitchen.


Soon after the couple got settled in the kitchen, Mason's parents and younger sister came down and joined them. His mom was making pancakes, his dad was sat in a chair reading the newspaper, and Holly was sat at the table with Mason and Max.

Max was drawing what she saw, wherever she was when she was being attacked by Vecna, using Holly's crayons. Mason was just sat, admiring the red head. She was extremely beautiful, especially when the sun hits her face on a certain angle. She was one of the prettiest girls she had ever laid eyes on. El being the other one.

Mason was too into staring at Max, that he didn't notice Nancy and Dustin come into the room, their faces filling with relief as soon as they set eyes on the couple.

"Morning guys." Karen greeted the two. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, everything's okay." Nancy nodded, mason just now noticing the two, turning towards them, along with Max, the two giving them small smiles.

"I think it's so sweet that you guys are sticking together like this." Karen smiled.

Ted huffed. "Could try sticking together at a different house for a change." He pointed out, mason sighing.

Nancy made her way towards the couple.

Karen turned to Dustin. "You know you're welcome here anytime." She smiled.

"Totally. You're like family." Dustin nodded, giving a smile. "May I?" He gestured to the pancakes.

Karen nodded. "Absolutely." She handed him the plate she was holding.

"I Will Love You Two For The Rest of My Life" -MasonWhere stories live. Discover now