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                      Maddie's P.O.V

I woke up in the back of chief hoppers car thanks to Nancy. She brought me into a hug, and I just gave one back after I got out of the car. I think she went up to Mike then and gave him a hug. That was a first. Nancy then turned to El and I think asked if that was her dress that El was wearing. We went in the house and Mike started explaining what Mr. Clarke had shown us. I wasn.t listening. Instead, I had my head on Nancy's shoulder. I think El stared at me a couple times and I just gave her a smile. She always smiled back so that made me happy. They were trying to get El to find Will and Barb. She couldn't so we were trying to figure out how to help her find Will and Barb. Dustin called Mr. Clarke. 

We got to the school, and we were all grabbing materials. I was with Mike and Nancy. Nancy broke the lock on the door with a rock. I was impressed that she could do that. We went in and grabbed the hose and put it in a wheelbarrow. "What did she even eat," Nancy asked as we were walking back to the school. "What," me and Mike asked at the same time. "El, what did she eat," Nancy asked again. "Oh, candy, leftovers, Eggos. She really likes Eggos," I told her before Mike could. "I knew you guys were acting weird, I just thought it was because of Will," Nancy said. I was about to say something, but Mike beat me to it. "We knew you were acting weird to, but we thought it was because of Steve," Mike said. I nodded my head. "Hey," Nancy said to us. "No more secrets, okay? From now on we tell each other everything," she said. "Okay, do you like Jonathan now," Mike asked. I looked at Nancy to wait for her response, but she said it wasn't like that. "Uh, do you like El," Nancy asked him. "What no, I don't like El like that. But she does," Mike said pointing at me. Nancy turned to me, and I put my head down. Nancy asked me if I liked girls, more specifically El and I nodded my head. She just hugged me and then grabbed the wheelbarrow, and we made our way to the school entrance. We set it up and waited. El took my watch off as she got ready and handed it to me. I took it and placed back on my wrist. I saw Nancy look right at me and I shook my head because now was not the time. El got in the water and laid down. The lights flickered then turned off. I was next to Mike waiting for El. She said Barb's name. But she started saying "Dead," and she started freaking out. I looked over at Nancy and saw she was starting to cry. El said castle Byers at that moment and I directed my attention to her. She said Will and I stood up and started walking in circles as he said Hurry through the walkie talkie. She then shot up and was brought over to the bleachers. She rested her head on my shoulder and Lucas was helping dry her off. The two main grown-ups were talking about castle Byers. We stayed in the gym and waited. I am scared about if something happens.

Mike ran out then back in. He told us Nancy and Jonathan were gone. I zoned out then back when El said "Demogorgon" I knew this could end badly. They kept talking. I stayed next to El when Dustin went to go get chocolate pudding. We went to the cafeteria and the boys went to grab the chocolate pudding. I stayed by El while we sat at a table. "Are you feeling any better," I asked El. She shrugged and then asked me what pudding was. I explained it to her, and she looked like she was disgusted. "See I was thinking, when this is all over and Will is back, and you aren't a secret anymore. My parents could get you your own bed," I tell her. I keep telling her stuff and then we got to her saying friends don't lie. I told her that we could maybe go to the snowball. I kept explaining things to her. She still didn't understand so I kissed her. She was surprised but then we heard cars. Mike went to see but ran right back in. The bad men were here. We ran bur were cornered. El used her powers and wow did she use them cool. She collapsed and wouldn't wake up. We tried to scream her name, but she still wouldn't wake up. Just then this man came but we were then grabbed. The boys screamed while I just watched. He grabbed her so I yelled at him to let her go. She called my name and didn't want to be by the man. The lights flickered and Mike mentioned blood. That means the Demogorgon was going to go through the wall. We grabbed El and ran to a classroom. They set El on a table and we were telling her that the bad men were gone. I told her what I told her in the cafeteria. Then there were gunshots. It then broke through the door, and they shot a rock at it. They panicked; I could tell. The last rock Lucas used hit it good but El threw it against the chalkboard. She tried to go close to it, and I tried to stop her, but she flung me back against the cupboards. It hurt a lot, the impact hurt, and I looked at El not believing what I was seeing. She turned to me, and her words hurt me a lot. "Goodbye Maddie," she told me. She turned back to it and put her hand up while also screaming. The thing screamed and it hurt my ears. She was making the Demogorgon disappear, but she disappeared with it. I screamed her name asking where she was. I started crying. Mike saw this and hugged me. I cried into his shoulder. Lucas and Dustin joined in the hug, and I felt a little safe but still sad that El was gone. People came so we went outside. I heard Mom call mine and Mike's name. I still was crying but I had my head on Mike's shoulder. He allowed me to. Mom then ran up to us and hugged us. I cried even more in Mom's hug. I couldn't and didn't want to believe that El was gone. 

We are now in the hospital waiting for Will to wake up. I had my head on Nancy's shoulder. She side hugged me, and we continued waiting. I was about to fall asleep when a Jonathan came in telling us he was awake. Me and Mike shot up and Mike waked Lucas and Dustin then we ran to Will's room. we all hugged him. They told him everything that happened. They told everything about what El had done and what she could do. 

{Time skip}

We are in mine and Mike's basement now that Will was out of the hospital. I was drawing the number "11" because I knew that I was never going to forget her. She will probably stay in my mind forever. I tried to radio her every day or night. Depending on what I have to do that day. The boys were back playing Dungeons and Dragons. I missed this when Will was gone. Seeing them play was nice. They get along so well, and I am glad to be in their party since Mike let me.

A/N: 1302 words. Hope y'all enjoy this season. I will extend it for you guys. Bye for now.

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