"I Dump Your Ass"

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I was in the basement with Mike waiting when the phone rang. Mom called my name so I said something so she wouldn't keep asking for me and went to the phone. Mike came and stood next to me to listen and try and help. "Hello." "It's 9:32, where are you." "Sorry I was just about to call. I uh can't see you today." "Why not?" "It's nana, she's really sick." "But Hop said that it was okay that it was a false alarm." I cursed under my breath at Hopper. "Yeah, that's what we thought it was at first but then she took a real turn for the worse." "Oh." "Yeah, we think she might," I stopped for a moment and looked at Mike before finishing my sentence, "Die." "What?" Mom said and me and Mike panicked. "MOM GET OFF THE PHONE, HOW MANY TIMES." Me and mike yelled at Mom. "DID NANA CALL?" "NO MOM JUST. GET. OFF. THE. PHONE!" I yelled on last time at mom and went back to the call with El. "Sorry about that." "Is that your mom?" "Yeah, she's so upset, she's making no since. Because we have to go to the nursing home, to see nana." "You can come over after?" "No. I mean I just think I need to be alone today. With my... feelings?" "Do you lie?" "What! No, friends don't lie," I said then pretended Mom had said something. "What Mom? My mom's calling, got to go miss you already, bye," I rambled and hung up the phone. Mike then proceeded to laugh. Mike called Lucas and Will over. When Lucas got over Mike explained what was going on between me and El. Will was setting up Dungeons and Dragons so I am guessing Mike said he was going to play that just to get Will here. Lucas said I was in deep shit, and I got on the couch and groaned. Lucas started saying I could fix it then was talking about Max. We were now going to the mall to apparently get El a gift. It was funny watching them try and get a gift, I just sort of followed, so did Will. They spent about almost an hour looking for a gift, so we ended up going back to our bikes to go home. That was when I heard Max, so we all turned around to face them. "What are you doing here?" "Shopping" "This is her new style, what do you think?" Max said motioning to El. I had to admit that El looked good, but she was not supposed to be here because she could get caught. "What's wrong with you? You know she's not allowed to be here," I told max. "What is she, your little pet?" "Yeah, am I your pet?" El asked me. "What? No!" "Then why do you treat me like garbage?" "What?" "You said nana was sick." "She is! She is, she is," Mike said trying to back me up and tried to get Lucas to help. "Yeah, she is she is, she's super sick. That's why we're here actually." Lucas said and I just grabbed the bridge of my nose and sighed. "We were here for us but for nana. Also, we were here for you because Maddie wanted to get you a gift to make it up to you, but it was super hard." "Super hard, it's expensive," Lucas said but then El turned to me. "You lie. Why do you lie?" She asked me. I tried to speak but I couldn't find the words, so I just closed my mouth. A bus pulled up and she turned to look at it but then turned to me. She walked closer and was about 5 inches from me when she said 4 words that broke my heart. "I dump your ass." I stared at her frozen in place. I wanted to explain to her why I lied but I couldn't find the words. Her and Max got on the bus and the boys went to watch the girls leave but I turned to the walls of the mall and did something I really regretted.

               Max's P.O.V

When we got on the bus. Me and El high fived and laughed. While I was laughing, I looked out the window to see their reactions one more time but nudged El so she would look. Our eyes widened when we saw Maddie punch the pillar that was close to white. But what made our eyes widen was when she back away, there was blood on the pillar. I looked at El and I thought to myself that someone must have made Maddie lie to El in order for Maddie to have that reaction. We just went ahead and got to Hop's cabin to get our minds off of what we just witnessed.

          Maddie's P.O.V

It hurt a lot biking home. My head and hand hurt from the impact. When we got to mine and Mike's house, I went straight upstairs while the boys went to the basement to talk about who knows what. When I got to the bathroom, I tried to find stuff to stop the bleeding. I finally did that and wrapped my hand up so that it was okay for now. I went downstairs to get an icepack to keep my hand from swelling up. I went back upstairs and went to my room and stayed there to cry. I did not want to talk to anybody right now. And probably not tomorrow either. I would definitely go down to meet the others after tomorrow.

{The day after tomorrow}

I went downstairs and grabbed some breakfast really quick, and a bottle of water and then headed down to the basement. When I got there, Mike had me sit down on the couch while Will was just walking in. Lucas was trying to reach Max and Max. While Lucas was doing this, Mike informed me what was going on and then Max shut off her walkie talkie. Mike went to use the phone to call her, but I insisted on doing it. I dialed Max's number and waited till she answered. "I'm sleeping, go away." "This is Maddie. Do not hang up. Something happened, something very bad. Our very lives could be at stake." "What are you talking about?" "Come over to mine and Mike's house. We'll explain everything." I said and then hung up. We were now waiting on only Max and El since Dustin wasn't picking up. This was going to be a shit show.

A/N: And that is it for this chapter. Sorry to leave on a cliff hanger, but I had too. I have school tomorrow, so I have to clean my backpack out. I will try and do the next chapter tomorrow after school unless it is a snow day. Have a great rest of your day and make sure to be drinking water. Bye for now guys. :)

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