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{A year later}

Me and El were in her room listening to music. I was singing along to it and got a little too crazy. El tried to stop me from singing, it was hilarious. I made some weird noise which made me stop. "What you don't like it?" "No," she said laughing. We kissed and stayed like that for like 30 seconds before Hopper yelled "Hey." El jumped and we looked at the door. She slammed the door with her powers, and she sat at the head of her bead reading a magazine while I laid down reading a magazine at the foot of her bed. Hopper opened the door after some struggle and I asked him, "What's wrong?" He looked mad at that, and I looked at my watch and saw I needed to get to the mall. While I was riding my bike there, me and El were talking through the walkie talkies about Hopper's reaction. I told her I would see her tomorrow and hurried faster to the mall.

I got there and they said I was late. Lucas wouldn't shut up about me being late then mimicked me. He then made kissing noises. "Oh yeah real mature Lucas." "Oh El, I wish we could make out with each other forever, and never hang out with any of our friends," he said in his weird mimicking voice. "Lucas stop," Max and Mike said at the same time. "Will thinks it's funny." "Because it is," Will responded while still giggling. "Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spent romantic time with my girlfriend." "I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend," Lucas replied. I just shook my head as we kept going. I mean, it isn't my fault that El can't come out into the open.

We were pushing through people, and we passed Erica and made fun of Lucas and they went back and forth. I waved to Erica, and she waved back. Me personally, I think that Erica is the better Sinclair. But we made it to scoops ahoy and I waved to Robin as I have come here a bunch of times and me and Robin usually chat. She waved back and said to Steve who was in the back that his children were here. He came out and didn't look happy. He took us to the back and told us if anyone heard of it, but we cut him off. "We're dead." Mike made sure the coast was clear and we made our way to the theater to sit down. I sat next to Will to his left and Mike was on the right of him. Lucas and Max were in the front of us. I jokingly went to pat Max's head, but she grabbed my hand before I could as if she knew I was going to do that. Will then handed me my favorite candy and I thanked him. The power all of a sudden went out and everyone was mad. When it came back, everyone was cheering. I looked at Will because I felt a shiver do down my spine. He grabbed the back of his neck and looked at me. We both thought it was just wind, so we just continued to watch the movie.

The next day, me and Mike made our way to Hopper's cabin to pick up El. El came with us and got on my bike and we made our way to Dustin's house to meet the others to surprise Dustin. We got there and we had hidden our bikes then went in the house. We met the others hiding behind a wall, decorating a poster. It said, "Welcome Home Dustin!" I smile and we went to Dustin's room to set up hir toys then wait. I heard a car pull in and I signaled the others to hold on. The front door opened, and Dustin ran towards his room. "Go ahead," I whispered to El. She started using her powers. Dustin followed his toys, and we waited till he passed the wall we were hiding behind then I whispered El, "Now," and she opened her eyes to indicate that she stopped using her powers. We came up behind Dustin and surprised him, but he sprayed Lucas right in the eyes. "Oh, ouch," I said, feeling bad for Lucas. Max led him to the kitchen sink to rinse his eyes while the rest of us followed Dustin to his room for him to show us what he had. I stood there and El had her right arm around my left arm and so I brought my right hand to her free hand while she had her head on my shoulder. Dustin's "slammer-hammer" sort of scared El and she tried pulling back. I didn't budge at all and just smiled because Dustin was extremely happy to be home. He then brought out a huge radio tower that was not yet built. He was talking about he it could reach from the north pole to the south pole. But his next words shocked the four of us. "I can talk to my girlfriend, whenever, wherever." "Girlfriend?!?!" Me, Mike, El, and Will, all asked at the same time with wide eyes. Dustin having a girlfriend was a shock, but I was happy for him. We were then walking towards the back door to go to the perfect spot to set up his radio. When we passed Max and Lucas, they asked us where we were going. "To talk to Dustin's girlfriend," Me and Will said at the same time. "GIRLFRIEND?" They sort of yelled then ran after us.

We made it to a hill after having walked for a about 30 minutes. It was extremely hot, and the others were ahead of me and El. Me and El were talking until I called to the others. "Hey guys. This is fun and all but uh," I said to them then pointed to my watch. "I have to go home," El said. "We're almost there." "Sorry Dustin but she has a curfew and Mom wanted to talk to me about something," I said to them. We and El went down the hill laughing.

Will's P.O.V

"Curfew? At 4?" Dustin asked. "They're lying," Lucas said. "It's been like this all summer," I proceeded to say. "It's romantic," Max said as we were still watching them walk away. "It's gross," Me and Mike said at the same time. "It's bullsh-t. I just got home. Well, their lose right? Onwards and upwards. Suzie awaits," Dustin said and made his way more up the hill. Lucas, Mike, and Max, all followed him, and I went to do the same but when I turned to face them and follow them, I felt uneasy. I grabbed the back of my neck because the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I turned around to be met by nothing. Mike then called my name and I faced to all of them. I continued my way up the hill to help put together Cerebro.

Maddie's P.O.V

Me and El were in her room at Hopper's cabin listening to music and kissing. Then Hopper nocked on the wall. "Hey, can I talk to you guys a minute." El used her powers and opened the door. Hopper came in and we were sitting on the bed facing him. "Hi." "Hi?" Me and El said confused. He almost never just comes in and starts being friendly. He came in more and grabbed a chair to sit in front of the bed. He turned off the music. "Uhm, what I uh, needed to say to you. What I want to say to you is." "Uh oh, I think we're in trouble," I whispered to El. She laughed and so did I. She calmed down to listen. "No, no ones in trouble I just uhm, uh," He was saying but I whispered something in El's ear, and she laughed. "You know what. Your mom called." "What?" "Yeah, she needs you home right away." "Is everything okay?" I ask him. "No, I don't think so. It's your grandma." When he said that I looked at him with a worried expression. We went outside and I was asking him questions about if Nana was okay or not. We got in the car and when the doors were closed, he yelled. "NOTHING. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH NANA." I was mad at him for scaring me like that. "What?" "But there is something wrong, with this thing between you and El." "Oh, you lying piece of shit," I told him then tried to leave but he locked the door. I kept unlocking it, but he kept locking it. "You're crazy!" I said as I turned to him. He definitely had a crazy look when I said that. "Crazy? You want to see real crazy? You disrespect me again." I got scared when he said that, especially since he was whispering everything he was saying. "Okay, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to drive you home, and I'm going to speak. And you're going to listen. And then maybe, maybe by the end of it, maybe if you're lucky, maybe, I will continue, to allow you to date my daughter." He was saying. He looked at me and started to raise his voice. "Nod If you understand!" I then nodded my head very fast. He turned on his car and drove me home. I got home and went straight to the basement. After about, 10 minutes, Mike came home, and I ran upstairs. I ran to him and grabbed him by the arm. He was confused but I led him to the basement and when we were down there, I ran back up and closed the door. "Mind explaining why you just dragged me to the basement," he said to me as I sat on the couch next to him. I started to explain everything that Hopper had said and that I have to lie about Nana being sick to El. He hugged me and told me he was going to help me. I thanked him but then we had to go to bed. I went and got ready and went to my room. That night, I couldn't sleep, I hate having to lie to El. More importantly, what is she going to do when she finds out. Those thoughts wouldn't leave my head until about midnight. That is when I fell asleep, not ready to deal with tomorrow.

A/N: That was sort of a long chapter, so I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to drink water and eat enough. Have a great rest of your day while I move onto making the next chapter. Bye for now, Love y'all:)

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