The Sauna Test

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I walked away from the phone and went to the bathroom to change the wrapping on my hand. I went in and unwrapped the gauze from my hand, and it was bleeding worse than that day. I didn't want the others to worry so I wrapped some new gauze around my hand and walked out. I didn't have any of the cleaning stuff to clean or stop the blood because it was out here in the basement and not in the bathroom. When I walked out, I saw Max and El walk down the stairs. I went over to a corner and leaned against the wall. They all said hi to each other, but I stayed quiet and just waved. Will started explaining about what was happening. He kept going but then mentioned me having the same thing and they turned to me. "This is not about me right now, focus on Will talking and not me, got it?" I told them so they looked away from me, so I brought my hand up to see it dripping blood. I remembered I had put on a white shirt, and I looked at my shirt. That spot was crimson red, and I groaned so they looked at me. I covered the spot and my hand and went over to the spare clothes down here and grabbed a shirt. When I grabbed the shirt, I went to the bathroom to change my shirt. As soon as I was done, the door opened, and I was faced with El and Max. They said they had to go, and I held up one finger to say give me a sec, but I used the hand with the bloody gauze, and they saw. Max came over and grabbed my hand and took the gauze off. She called Mike to grab some cleaning supplies to clean a wound. Mike then came in a couple seconds later with the stuff and then quickly headed out. Max was cleaning my hand and I just had to stand there. I was definitely embarrassed to have them in here helping someone like me. I mean I know it wasn't my fault I had to lie but I still got dumped. "You're done now," Max said to me. I thanked her and we were now making our way outside to get on our bikes but had to wait because Mike wanted to grab a water bottle. When he did, we finally made it to our bikes and hopped on them and made our way to the community pool.

We got there and were now watching Billy behind cars. Max had filled me in on what I missed while I was in the bathroom and thanked her for that. I constantly caught El looking at me but didn't know why. I looked around and saw Mom. She was looking at.... Billy?!? I was brought away from my thought of Mike saying, "Boy's only." "You know, it's cool to see all of us working together again, even after the event," I said to Max. "Why did you punch the pillar anyway?" She asked me. "Well, let's just say, the reason I lied was because of a specific someone. Hopper." "What do you mean?" Max and El asked me. "He threatened to not let me date El ever. And when I say that I mean he meant forever," I explained to them. El was about to say something but the boys came back, and we had to grab some stuff but me and Max stayed to watch Billy.

The pool had just closed, and we were luring Billy into the sauna. I was playing with my hand and when I heard now, Max had pulled me with her. Max has been extremely nice since then. I don't understand what her and Mike always argue about but it's nice that El has a friend like her. Billy was trying to get out of the sauna. When he stopped, he looked at Max just said do it. Will turned the heat all the way up. I must have missed the part where they said the plan. Billy then fell to the floor of the sauna and was now screaming in pain. Billy started crying and was saying it wasn't his fault. Max went up to the door and was listening to him. Billy was talking about the mind flayer, and I got a shiver down my spine. The hair on the back of mine and Will's neck stood up and we grabbed our necks. Mike looked at Will and told Max to get away from the door, but she was confused so when Mike screamed at her to get away from the door, I ran up and brought her to our left and Billy broke the glass. The glass shattered but one shard flew into my shoulder while the tile piece that Billy used to break the door cut across my cheek. I was fine getting hurt but El probably didn't because she looked at me as if telling me I was stupid. I stood up and held Max and we went back to the others. When we got back to the others the lights started flickering. Billy was now slamming into the door to break through. He started directly into my eyes while he did so. I saw his veins start to turn black and I knew the Mind flayer was doing his part and giving Billy more power than he already has. Billy broke the door opened and everyone else screamed and moved back while I just stood. El was now fighting Billy but he was overpowering her. I felt this rage that had built up and I grabbed a weight pole. I ran up behind Billy and hit him in the head with the pole. He dropped El and fell to the ground. "Go to hell you piece of shit," I said to him and went to swing down but he grabbed the pole. He got up and threw the pole. The others looked scared, but I was giving him the same stare he was giving me. I backed up against the wall behind me because although I didn't show fear, I definitely felt it. Billy started to lift, and I knew El was okay, even after being choked. She got up and made her way to stand in front of me and face Billy. My eyes were showing fear by now and I looked at Will. He was just as terrified as I and the others were. El then threw Billy through the brick wall and you could hear the brick crash at it happened. El then collapsed into my arms and I looked over to the others before bringing her over. We walked to the opening in the wall to see Billy trying to run away. We made our way back to mine and Mike's house to sleep and continue trying to find him tomorrow.

The next day we were still in the basement and El was using her powers while I was upstairs trying to find my favorite hoodie. When I found it, I went back downstairs to the basement to find the boys standing 8 feet from the door of the bathroom. "They are conspiring against Maddie probably." Mike said. "I am sorry Mike but 1. I wouldn't really care because of how much I messed up, 2. I guarantee you that they can hear you, and 3. she said she dumped my ass, so I don't think that sounds like a break," I told Mike. "It wasn't, and you do realize we can still hear everything you're saying right?" Max said. I decided to walk up behind Mike while he said something else, but he sure screamed when I pulled his hair. I made my way back to stand next to Lucas. "What the hell Maddie? I am trying to help you!" "Well maybe stop being a dick and I will maybe allow you to try but probably not because since you are a boy and the last time you helped it went to shit, I would say that means that you and Lucas give terrible advice. Will was the only one keeping to himself and wanted to play dungeons and dragons like old times, BUT NO. You only care about other shit like helping me when I can help myself!" I yelled at him. Lucas and Mike stared at me with wide eyes while Will smiled at me. The noise in the bathroom also stopped so I went back to my corner and just sat there with my head in my knees. A knock was then heard from the door of the basement and Mike thought it was mom, but it was Nancy. Mike let Nancy and Jonathan in, and they came down, so I stood up. Nancy wanted to explain something, so I went over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Guy's you both need to come out here. You guys can continue bonding with each other later, but we have bigger problems right now," I said in a calm voice. The door opened and I moved out of the way to let them walk over and sit down. I walked over and stood next to Max to let Lucas sit in the chair. Their whole thing that happened was surreal to me, but I started mumbling something to myself and was asked to speak up. "Huh?" I whispered to Max. She had whispered to me to speak up, but I shook my head. "Uh so what time was your sauna test?" Nancy asked us. "Around 9." We all answered. "Well, that proves it. That proves my theory." "She's flayed. Just like Billy." Mike answered. "Flayed?" Jonathan asked and I said in my head, "Why are you so stupid and behind Jonathan," but he looked at me. "I am not stupid, Maddie, I just don't understand what you guys mean by 'flayed' okay?" Everyone looked at me and I just looked at Jonathan, confused on how he heard me say that when I thought that. "I didn't say that out loud. I just said that to myself..." Mike decided to get the group back on topic and I listened to none of them because I was thinking of what happened just now. My left wrist started itching so I started itching it and Nancy noticed but didn't say anything. "Tom," Nancy and Jonathan said. 

We were now walking to Nancy's car but there was not enough room. I knew what this meant so I got in before Lucas, Max, and El and sat on the floor of the car and then the three got on while Mike and Will got in the back. I was sitting on the floor in the middle while El was sitting on the seat in the middle sitting cross legged. I was facing her, and she looked down at me. I smile and she smiled back. I looked at Max and she was giggling and so I started too also. Soon me, Max, and El were all now laughing, and the others were confused. When we stopped, we were at someone named, "Tom's" house. We all got out of the car, but I was the last one and I fell on my way getting out and hit my head on the bottom of the door. "Why the fuck do I always get injured in the most stupid ways! Why!!" I yelled and got up. We then made our way to the front door to go inside.

A/N: You guys are welcome for the new chapter. I know I added a little bit that doesn't happen but that makes it good right? I might sound stupid for saying that, but do I care? Nope. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great rest of the day and continue drinking water and doing your schoolwork if you go to school. Bye now guys, Gooday :)

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