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A/N: I lied; the last chapter was supposed to be sort of a bad ending but where is the fun in that. Here it what really happened.

            Mike's P.O.V

When me and Maddie walked out of the mall, she collapsed. I caught her just before she hit the ground. Nancy ran over to me and Maddie. 

"We need help!" Nancy yelled and I was trying to keep Maddie awake. Some paramedics came over, 2 of them had a stretcher. 

They placed Maddie on the stretcher and brought her to an ambulance. Nancy went with them to give them information and I had tears coming from my eyes and I looked over to some of the others.

Will looked at me and I saw he was crying. I looked at El and she looked like she was going to fall. She might lose 2 people, very close to her. 

I walked over to Will and Joyce to see if they could bring me, Max, and El. She allowed it and we walked over to El and asked her if she wanted to come with us to the hospital. 

She came and we asked the others and told Steve to get Dustin and Erica and bring Lucas and Robin with him. He agreed and the rest of us went to the hospital.

When we got there, we asked to have some update on Maddie, but we said her full name. They said she was in surgery at the moment. I saw El and Max walk away and when I looked at them, I saw Nancy sitting down.

I walked over to them. "Hey, how you guys holding up?" "We are good," El said. I know she wasn't, but I didn't want to push her. "Max, you need to tell Maddie and El when we are able to see Maddie," Nancy said to Max. "Tell us what?" El asked. I thought for a second and it hit me. 

Max had been so nice to Maddie since that day that El dumped Maddie. That means that Max probably likes El and Max. I couldn't believe it. I mean, Max and El would be great for Maddie, especially after this. She definitely won't like talking about the mind flayer after this.

It has been 6 hours since Maddie was in surgery and since she has been asleep. We were waiting and waiting until Nancy came in. 

Dustin, Will, and Lucas allowed me, Max, and El to go see Maddie since she woke up an hour ago. The 4 of us made our way to Maddie's room and when I opened the door, El ran over to Maddie and was polite. 

"C-can I... hug you?" El asked Maddie. Maddie nodded as she sat up and got a hug from El. I saw that they let Maddie keep her Jeans on which was amazing because Maddie is terrified of hospitals. 

"How was Maddie when she woke up and found out she was in a hospital?" I asked Nancy. "She was fine but was very skeptical." I nodded and looked at Max. She stood beside me and was looking down. I am very surprised that Max didn't go up and hug her too.

"Hi Max, Hi Mike." Maddie said which redirected both mine and Max's direction. Maddie was smiling and me and Max waved. I then nudged Max and she looked at me. I motioned towards Maddie and El. 

She cleared her throat and walked a little closer to them. "Uh... I wanted to tell you guys something," Max said. "Yeah, what is it?" Maddie asked. I snorted but quickly covered it with a cough. "I... I like-like b-both of you guys..." She stuttered. 

El and Maddie looked at each other and smiled. "Took you long enough, I was gonna have Maddie tell you," El said. Max was surprised while me and Nancy were watching in amusement.

"Now come here," El said, walking over to Max and pulling her over to Maddie and hugging both of them. They all hugged, and I could have sworn that I saw Nancy shed a tear. 

"How long until Maddie is released?" I asked Nancy and we all turned to Nancy. "The doctors said tomorrow because of where it was. It didn't damage anything, but she will have a nasty scar there." 

Maddie frowned at that. She has always hated scars, she had one on her back from falling off her bike and slicing her skin on a piece of glass on the ground.

Max and El left to let Lucas, Dustin, and Will all come in. I had also given Maddie a hug. I was grateful that Maddie was still alive. Even if she isn't my blood related twin, she still is to me, blood or not.

~~Three Months Later~~

           Maddie's P.O.V

It has been three months since the battle of Star court. The Byers and El were moving today and I was sad. I mean, the past three months have been the best months of my life. I have been helping Billy be a better person.... or ghost. I have also been helping Max and El has helped me with that. I honestly think that I have the best girlfriends in the world.

Max and Lucas were singing the song that Dustin had apparently sang, just to annoy Dustin while they were helping the Byers pack. I was with Will, and I was for sure going to miss him. 

When me and Will where done, I felt a tear run down my face. "Here," Will said to me. "Have it," He gave me a necklace with 2 dragons. One red and one green. It meant him and Me. 

The red meant soft person, and the green meant caring person. I was the red and he was the green. He then pulled out a matching necklace.

I have been a little softer because of what happened. I also get panic attacks and it get extremely hard to breathe but Nancy knows how to calm me down. I put the necklace on and tucked it in. "Thanks, Will." "Your welcome Maddie."

I hugged him and I told him I'd be back. I walked over to where El had been staying. I walked in to see her trying to grab bear from the high shelf in the closet. 

She tried to use her powers, but it was no use. "They'll come back; I know they will." I told her and walked over. I reached up and grabbed the bear. When I gave it to her, she smiled. 

"You packed your walkie, right?" "Yes." "Because you know me, and Max are gonna steal Cerebro from Dustin and call you so much that you're gonna have to shut it off." She giggled at that, and I smiled.

"Did you and Max talk to your guy's mom about thanksgiving?" She asked. "Yeah, yeah we did. We then thought maybe you could come over for Christmas and bring Will and them over too. You could come before or after Christmas, whatever Ms. Byers wants." 

El walked away but stopped. "Maddie." "Yeah?" I asked as she walked up to me. She kissed me and I was shocked, but I kissed back. It was time to go but she had a letter Hopper had written. 

I walked outside and helped Will with giving Jonathan boxes. When me and him were done, we hugged and then I stepped back to let the others say goodbye. When El and Max hugged, I smiled because they were my world. My reason to live for I don't know how far to go. 

El walked up to me and she hugged me. I hugged her back and I knew I started crying but when El pulled away, I quickly wiped them away. 

Her and Will were called to get in the car and Max walked over to me. She was holding onto me like El had when Dustin first came home. I watched as the Byers and El drove off. We got on our bikes, and both me and Mike looked back at the house while the others went to their homes. 

We looked at each other and Mike started riding to go home. When I went to, I heard a clock. I brushed the sound off and rode to Max's house. 

She was crying when I made it to her house. "Hey, it's okay. I promise." I told her and she looked at me. She laughed at me, and I was confused. 

"What?" I asked her. "Nothing, you just have adorable hair. That's all," she said. I started laughing too and soon we were just laughing till we went ahead and fell asleep.

A/N: I hope you guys like this. I loved making this and I will keep going. I am going to make a season four cast now. Bye guys, have a great day, Lovelies :)

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