The Bite

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We were having El look for Billy again when she ripped her blind fold off. She told us he was in his room on his bed. I am more concerned about why I am able to see all the things connected to the upside down. I went to a corner when El came back from grabbing a drink of water. I still haven't told them what I can do other than Mike and Will. Mike knew what I was doing when I went to a corner. The others looked at me and I didn't like it. "You guys focus on El, don't mind me over here," I told them in a stern voice. That made them clear their throats and turn towards El who was now getting ready to go back to where Billy was, in hopes of finding where the source was. I watched and watched until she said where the source was and when Mike told her to get out, she didn't move so I took this time to enter where she was. I got there and I was still in Hopper's cabin. I could see El and Billy and Billy sensed me and looked over to me which made El look at me. El was confused and so Billy helped her out for some reason. "She can see where the mind flayer is but not until she is taken to where the man behind this all is. She knows him better than anyone, isn't that, right? Maddison Creel?" My eyes widened. "What do you mean? I am not a creel," I tell him. He shook his head and told me one last thing before El left to go back to the real world and not here. "You will know soon. Unless you are ended in a couple or a few minutes." He said that and I opened my eyes. El was kneeled in front of me and everyone was surrounding me. I wiped my nose and El wanted answers. "Fine, but whatever Billy was talking about, I have no clue." I got up and went over to sit in front of where the TV was so that I could tell them. {This happened after El explained}.

I explained to them but then Nancy heard a noise. "Do you guys hear that?" I looked around at the others until I heard it. My eyes widened while Jonathan was being stupid. "It's just the fireworks." Jonathan said. I turn to him, annoyed. "Are you stupid or do I need to smack some knowledge into your head?" I asked him. Everyone turned to be but decided to get back on track. "Billy, when he told you this, he was here. In this room?" Nancy asked. I thought for a second and me and El both responded, "Yes." The sound was getting closer and me and Will both grabbed the back of our necks, Will said something but I ran outside while the others followed me. I looked to where the sound was coming, and something was coming through the trees. We ran back and started boarding the house up. We got into the middle of the room waiting until a thing from the flesh mind flayer shot through the wall, nearly hitting me. It went towards El, but Jonathan started to use the axe he grabbed to chop the arm off. The arm unfortunately threw Jonathan into a wall. The arm turned from El over to a new target, Me. It came at me, but Nancy started shooting it but ran out of bullets. It got close to her as she backed up into a wall but thanks to El she stopped it and ripped its "face" off? Another one came towards her and then another one, but the girl stopped them and did the same thing she did for the one before. She looked exhausted and when I back away from the wall, the roof got broken in one spot and an arm came through and grabbed onto my right arm, while also another one got El in her left leg. We got pulled up into the opening to the huge flesh monster, but Max and Jonathan grabbed onto El's hands while Mike and Will grabbed my legs. Nancy reloaded her gun and shot the monster, but it just screamed and tightened the grip on my arm but not El's leg which I was thankful for. Lucas grabbed the axe and started to chop the arm off of El and she went flying forward while I was still in the arm. The mind flayer now tightening its grip even more to which I yelled in pain and Lucas started to chop the arm off of me. I then fell forwards and thanks to Mike and Will, they caught me. El used her powers to split the face of the monster while Mike ripped the arm off my arm. It was a huge flesh wound and I couldn't even look at it. We rushed out and into Nancy's car. I sat in the back while El was in the front. I was sat to where Mike could keep pressure on my arm, and I could reach my left one over the seat. I reached my left hand over the seat and put my hand out to El since she was on the seat closest to the door. El looked back at me while still in pain and I just gave her a smile as we were driving too somewhere. She took my hand and I whispered into her ear, "You can squeeze my hand to try and make a little of the pain go away. She squeezed my hand, and I was surprised on how hard she was squeezing. I giggled quietly, hoping no one would notice but everyone in the car did and they smiled.

I looked back at Mike, about to ask him something but we got to the place. It was a grocery store. El let go of my hand and got out after Lucas came over to help her out. Mike and Will helped me out and I was able to walk on my own. We went in after Nancy broke the galls door with a rock. We went to an aisle, and they set El down. Nancy tried to do something, but Max interrupted her. She sent other people to go find supplies while she made Mike keep pressure on her leg. Max got up and walked to me. She took scissors she had grabbed earlier and cut my right sleeve off. When she took the paper towels away from my arm, she was shocked. I looked at my arm to see there being no wound at all but a little scar that was disappearing as we stood there. Mike looked over just in time to see it too. "How did that happen?" Mike asked and I looked at him. I shrugged but then my left wrist itched again. I itched it when I saw something that I had never seen before. "I will be right back," I said and walked to the employee's only bathroom. I got in there and washed my wrist while also taken paper towels to dry that spot on my wrist really hard. That was when I saw it, the number 000 right on my wrist. I was like El, but I had no idea what I could do when I groaned and went to smash the mirror, but fire came out of my hand. I stopped and so did the fire. I was about to try something when I heard Mike scream. "Dustin!?!?!?!?!" I ran out of the bathroom and over to them. When I got over to the aisle they were at, they weren't there, and I had no idea where they were. I wished to myself something, and something happened. I heard a soda can being open and I thought to where that sound was and thought of that place but when I opened my eyes, I was right there. Everyone was staring at me, and I just waved. "We are talking about this later," Nancy said to me. "No, we are going to be talking about if I am adopted," I said to her. She turned to me, and she had a worried expression on her face. "So, it is true, great. Just fucking great," I say with my voice a little shaky and throw my hands up. I wasn't mad at Nancy for not telling me but instead I was sad. I almost started to cry, and Nancy came over to me. She hugged me and told me, "We didn't know what the number meant until El came along. But listen to me, you are always going to be my sister and Mike's twin to us, okay?" At this point I was crying into Nancy's shoulder and hugging her back. Everyone looked sad but also happy that I wasn't mad. I stopped crying and pulled away from the hug but stay in front of Nancy and she was sort of still hugging me while El was finding Dustin. He apparently was at the movies, and we went to the car while the others were arguing. I got into the actual seat in the car instead of the back. I was on the left side while El was in the middle and Max on the right. I laid my head on El's shoulder as we made our way to the mall, I also intertwined my fingers with El's after I grabbed her hand. She probably just did it because of what happened earlier, but I still liked that she did that. She smiled and kissed me on my forehead. Everyone has been doing that since the whole "adopted" thing. But little did I know, that El did it because she loved me still and didn't like seeing me sad. We continued our way to the mall to hopefully help Dustin, Steve, and Robin.

A/N: I know I should have put the adopted thing in the season 4 but I thought it would fit better here. I am going to tell you the powers that Maddie has. Telepathy, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, and Teleportation. I know it seems a bit much, but it will help, I promise. Just wait all of you wonderful people.

"I Will Love You Two For The Rest of My Life" -MasonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant