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Night fell quickly and Maddie went to Demi's house to be with Tanya, Jim, Ateria, and Ed. Demi had fallen asleep ten minutes ago and I as left alone with my thoughts. Was I really a 'piece of nothing?' Why am I so sad every single day? Why does everyone on twitter make fun of me? Why do they call me fat? Why do they call me ugly? Does Demi hate me? Why am I the least important friend in my group of friends? I was crying so hard by now. I had managed to keep quiet so Demi wouldn't be awoken by my crying. Then that all too familiar feeling took over my body. I was having yet another panic attack. I had had one after the Demi incident in the confines of my own room. Thank goodness I wasn't connected to any monitors because the bells would have been ringing like crazy. By some magical chance, I finally fell asleep at 1:10 in the morning. I had to be up at 5:20 to get prepped for surgery.

Demi's POV

I was awoken by crying. I looked around to find the noise. Finally, my eyes locked on what was causing the heart wrenching noise. It was my little Misty. I moved closer to her bed and I heard her whispering. "No. Please. I'm not that fat! Am I? I know I'm ugly. Please don't remind me. I know I'm worthless. Please forgive me." That broke my heart into tiny smithereens. How could my sweet, beautiful, brave Misty be in so much pain? How didn't I realize how lost she had become. My poor sweetheart was broken and I didn't even notice. I screamed my head off at her and now her she is. Thinking that she is absolutely worth nothing. I have to help her. For now, I need to get some rest. Before I went back to sleep, I played Even My Dad Does Sometimes for her on my phone. That song always seems to calm her down. Soon I fell into a deep slumber.

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