My love is like a star.

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By the time Demi's concert rolled around that night I was not feeling better at all. I texted Maddie to let her know I was not going to the concert. My night was going to be filled with junk food, fanfics, and youtubers. After filling bowl after bowl with food I started to look for an interesting fanfic. I found a really long and interesting fanfic quite quickly and I was soon lost in a world filled with made up goodness. About twenty minutes in I decided to put in Frozen as the tour bus was really quiet. About half way into Frozen  Maddie came home with Max. Maddie and I finished watching Frozen and had started to watch CSI: Miami. By the  time Demi and Ed arrived at the tour bus we were about four episodes into a CSI: Miami filled night. Demi mumbled some incoherent words and walked to her bunk. Ed said goodnight to the two of us and went to his tour bus. Maddie and I were bound and determined to watch all of the episodes we could. Demi had gotten me hooked on the show and then I got Maddie hooked. After about three more episodes Maddie and I went to bed. We were awoken by a wild Demi Lovato jumping on  our beds. Demi was screaming about going to a zoo or something like that. So, as Demi literally dragged me, I got out of bed. Demi was still dragging me when Maddie got out of bed. Maddie took one look at the concentrated look on Demi's face and the look of horror  on mine before she burst into uncontrollable laughter. After me pleading with Maddie for her to save me and she completely ignored me, Demi let me go. I sulked for a little bit' much to Demi's dismay, and then i got ready.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~AUTHOR'S NOTE~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Short update I know but I have a great idea for next chappie so look out for the next update.

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