Free Falling

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I shakily stood up and walked to the music room with Maddie following me. "Don't you think we should talk miss DeBravo?" Demi asked in a superior tone of voice. I looked Demi dead in the face and said "Until you can keep calm and treat me like a human we don't need to talk." Then Maddie and I proceeded to the music room. Maddie and I were actually recording together and we hadn't let anybody know. We were doing mostly covers but we were loving every minute. We had decided yesterday that we were going to record Even My Dad Does Sometimes today. I started off the song with the first verse. Maddie then began with the chorus. She was looking right at me as she sang "Live life like you're giving up, cause you act like you are." She finished the chorus and then we sang the rest of the song together. When we were done singing Maddie confronted me. "Misty I see what's happening. You are free falling into a spiraling pit of sadness. You need help. Please tell me you realize what is happening. You are miserable Misty. You are my sister, you are my best friend. I dot want to lose you. I know what happens when you feel sad and alone. I watched Demi go through that and I don't want you to do the same. Please." "Maddie I'm lost. My ship is sinking. I feel so lonely and nobody is really there for me. I know you and Ed care about me but I feel horrible. Maddie I am drowning but I can see you guys breathing. Everything hurts. Waking up hurts. Laughing hurts. "Smiling" hurts. Every single thing. You can't tell Demi or Ed. I trouble them enough. Please Madison. I trust you so I need you to keep this to you're self. I know you want me to stay safe and I get that but tell them won't keep me safe." With that she nodded and left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. Recently I had been noticing the increase in hate I had been getting on twitter. People telling me I was worthless and ugly among other things. It was all so horrible. I don't know what i did to deserve it but it was getting to me. I was not who I used to be.

~*~*~*~* A/N ~*~*~*~*
Another intense chapter huh. Misty isn't doing so well. To be honest I have know idea where I am going with this story so everything I type is a plot twist for me too. .

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