Believe in Me

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When we got back to the tour bus after going to the zoo I was beyond tired. Demi had boughten at least half of the gift shop. Maddie and I got stuck with the job of carrying her tend of bags. When I say that I mean it. Demi had at least 20 bags but most of them were half full. They were mostly filled with teddy bears from what I could tell. After dumping all of Demi's things on the table I retreated to my bunk. When I got to my bunk I spent about twenty minutes on YouTube before falling into a deep slumber. While I was sleeping I had a dream. A dream where my parents died an all I could do was sit and watch. I remember screaming and crying in my dream as I watched my parents beg for life. Hoping and wishing that they could somehow live. Then the crash came. It was brutal. I've never felt so crushed, so heartbroken in my life. I've felt sadness before when friends move away or a distant family member passes on, but nothing like this. Nothing so unforgivingly soul shattering like this. All the physical pain I had been feeling multiplied. I didn't know what to do. I tried to run to the car, say one last goodbye. Anything. Then everything went black. Old memories came to mind. trick or treating with Maddie when we were two. My parents teaching me how to swim. Countless sleepovers at my house. Thanksgiving with my family and the DeLaGarza's. Convincing Mddie to sign up for Ariel. Breaking my arm and having to be taken to the hospital. Singing with Demi and Maddie. Cuddling by the fire. Getting my first pet. Going to my first school dance. All these things have something in common. It was my parents. They hd been there through it all. I began to feel lost. I felt so alone. I wanted my parents. I wanted them back more than anything. I was awoken by Demi shaking me looking slightly concerned. "Are you okay doll face?" She asked, genuinely concerned about me. I took a few minutes to evaluate the question. Do I tell her how I am actually feeling? Do I tell her how sad and alone I feel constantly? Can I possibly trust her with this information? Can I tell her how broken I truly am? I looked at Demi collecting all the courage I could muster up. "Demi I fine I just had a bad dream." I responded cooly. "What did you dream about?" she asked suspiciously. "alien invasion that's all." I replied. With that she nodded and left the room.

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