Let her go.

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I woke up at 6 to hear Demi and Ed looking for me. "Ed, oh my gosh, were could she be?" Demi whisper shouted in a panicky voice. "I don't know Dems I honestly don't." I got up off of the floor and looked in the mirror on the back of the door and saw that my face was still puffy and red from crying. I took a deep breath and then I opened the door. "Misty! Oh my goodness girl! You scared the life out of us!" Demi yelled at me. "Demi I-" I started. "No Misty. You had us so worried! I can't believe you. What were you thinking? Where you even thinking?" Demi screamed. "I'm sorry Demi it's just-" "You know what Misty? I don't care! What happened to that perfect little girl that I used to know! You have been acting very selfish lately!" Demi was full on screaming in my face now. I was crying harder than ever. Maddie had been woken up by the screaming and was now looking at me sympathetically and glaring daggers at Demi. Ed was also looking at me with sympathy. Then it all hit me. I couldn't breathe. I was so scared I started to cry even harder. I was hyperventilating sooner than usual. I was having a panic attack. Maddie realized before anyone else. She was at my side in less than ten seconds. Demi didn't even notice. She was to busy yelling about how ungrateful I was. When Ed realized what was happening he came to my side and started whispering Even My Dad Does Sometimes into my ear. He knew that I loved that song. I was shaking and crying. My crying had turned into the silent kind of crying. The kind that I had recently gotten used to. Ed was beginning to repeat the song again when Demi finally realized what was happening. "Ed," she whispered, "let her go." I didn't want Ed to let go. He was calming me down. My eyes widened and I shook my head no. "Demi it's obvious that she doesn't want me to leave or let go. Let me help her." "Ed I know what I'm doing please let me do what I need to do." Ed reluctantly let me go and Demi squatted down in front of me. "Breathe like I am right now. You NEED to breathe. Okay? Just do this for Maddie or Ed." I eventually calmed down and everyone just sat there awkwardly. I looked at the clock. This all happened before 6:20.

~*~*~*~ A/N~*~*~*~*~*
Bit of an intense chappie huh? I know you're all like 'Demi wouldn't act like that!!!!!!1!!!1!!!!1!!' That was purely for the storyline that I am planning. Please understand that I understand that would probably never happen. Thank you.

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