Light Weight

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~*a/n Guys we're soooo close to one thousand reads. You have no idea how excited I am right now~*

My favorite show in the world was on. It was mocking me. I was watching Doctor Who. The Angels Take Manhattan to be exact. (Spoilers Don't read next part if you plan on watching Doctor Who) The way that the Doctor loses Amy and Rory rips my already shredded heart into more pieces. The doctor was me an Rory and Amy are my parents. He had the people who meant so much to his brutally ripped away from him. I feel his pain. I sat on the couch with tears rapidly streaming down my face (a/n AND THE TEARS STREAM DOWN MY FACE. Directioners know what I'm saying.) Maddie, Demi, and Ed walked in just then. Maddie looked at me and then the TV. She knew this episode had always upset me. Demi and Ed looked confused. I don't blame them. I probably looked horrible. Puffy red eyes, messy hair, still in my pajamas, with a blanket wrapped around me. This is the worst I'd let myself since the accident. Maddie came and sat over beside me. She then proceeded to steal my blanket and gummi octopi. (If y'all don't know what a gummi octopus is it's like sour gummi worms in octopus form. I highly suggest them.) I gave her a look of 'how dare you touch my candy. I don't care if you're my best friend or not that was mine.' She rolled her eyes at me. My hand flew up to my chest as a acted offended. This kind of thing happens between us a lot. We always tried to get the other upset knowing that they couldn't stay mad at us. I was pretty upset about the candy but I couldn't stay mad at my sister. Just then my phone buzzed. I looked down to see a text from Ateria (pronounced a-ter-ee-a) Burr (a/n this is going to be Tanya's little sister) she was telling me all abou how she might be coming to America with Tan to see Maddie, Demi, and I. We had become friends with them after Demi watched some of Tan's videos. From then on we had been very good friends. Ateria and Tanya come to visit at least twice a year but this was an unplanned trip. The only times that they come over unexpectedly are when Tanya has a business meeting in the states. I told Maddie and Demi the news and they were super excited. we started planning all of the things we could do as a group and all of the places we could take Ateria while Tanya is at her meetings. This might take my mind off of things for a while. I hope it does.


Hi guys so this is a really random filler type chapter. Are you guys excited for the introduction of Tanya and Ateria? They will be featured in some of the upcoming chapters so be ready for that! Are there any kinds if things you would like to see in the chapters to come? More Sheervato? More Misty and Maddie moments? More Misty and Demi moments? More flashbacks/dreams from Misty? Huge plot twist? Let me know. As I said before, we are so close to 1K reads and I'm so grateful. thanks guys!

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