Heart Attack

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We were all on the way to the zoo now and Maddie and I were screeching Rude by Magic! Demi was laughing at us and keeking too. Ed couldn't come with us because he had plans with some of his friends and Max was driving. We got to the zoo about twenty minutes later and Demi headed straight to the giraffes.  Maddie and I headed to the petting zoo to take some selfies with some chicks, lambs, and ducklings. After about ten minutes and hundreds of selfies later we moved on to the Penguin habitat. We ran into Demi about half way to the penguins and decided to stay together as a group from then on.  The penguins were being fed when we got to their habitat. They were so cute with their little beaks eating their fish.  Demi basically dragged us to the ostriches. I love ostriches. It was something that my mom and I had in common. I'm missing her a lot today. I think it's because we both had a common love for animals. I guess I looked upset or something because Maddie and Demi pulled me into a huge group hug. They were honestly like the sisters i never got. They are always there for me and they have been super supportive ever since the incident happened. We had always been close but this had brought us even closer. (guys i'm typing on a super sensitive keyboard connected to my tablet and it's making me super mad and it's taking like 20 years to update because of it plz don't hate me. End of rant.) After walking through the rest of the zoo we went to the gift shop. Demi looked like a kid in a candy store. Her eyes were super wide and she was bouncing up and down.  I swear we can't take her anywhere in public without her finding something that she wants. Demi ran around gathering everything she could before we had to drag her out of the store.

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