second thoughts

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"morning adria" molly said getting into the sofa with me.

"morning" i say rubbing my eyes.

"revenge bikini" she asks making me nod.

"ofcourse" i say making her laugh.

"let's go" molly said pulling me up.we both walk into the dressing room and pick out the best bikini i have.


"wanna tea" i ask joanna making her nod.

"do u have sugar" i ask her making her shake her head.

"here ya go" i say trying to not make it awkward but it was really awkward.

"i thought ud meet someone in there not come back with em but meet em" girl jordan says making me shake my head.

"nope, u know what's annoying he didn't even apologise" i ranted, i was talking but i got a text.

"got a text, fuck this shit" i say while laughing, "adrianna and joanna, you are going out for a catch up please get ready to leave the villa, #storminateacup"

"u nervous" molly ask making me shake my head.

"is it gonna be awkward probs, have i said anything or been horrible to her no so why would it kick off" i say while putting some lipgloss on.

"bye girl" maura says making me give her a hug.

"this is awkward" i say as we walked out the villa in silence.


i mumble under my breath. we get to the table and sit their in silence for a bit.

"this is so awkward" i say taking my drink and drinking some of it.

"i don't want there to be tension in the villa i know where not gonna be the best of friends, i get that but this is the best opportunity to squash it"she says making me confused.

"well it's obviously a shit situation for me to walk in by myself and stand there to see micheal coupled up with u, it did hurt my feeling, obviously it did but he's branded himself as this good straight up human being but he's not, i'm not even mad at u the slightest i'm mad at him well not even mad i just feel betrayed hurt" i explained to her making her nod.

"absolutely and i felt for u i did, but it's so hard when people say there heads not gonna be turned, u want to trust them u want to believe them and it's hard that it hasn't worked out that way and for me being like a new girl it was definitely uncomfortable,i know u didn't intentionally make me feel uncomfortable but if i was u i would of tried to make the new girl feel less uncomfortable" she explains.

"i did try to i went and said hello to u, i made u tea this morning, i know that's not a lot but i'm putting in effort for someone who is coupled up with my ex couple yk what i mean like u can't expect me to want to be around u when micheal is gonna be there especially just after i've walked in with u two together yk what i mean" i explained.

"do u recon u and micheal will make up or"

"idk i do need to have a chat with him about it cuz i don't wanna be the one girl in the villa who's holding a grudge worse enough being the only single girl here" i say making her nod along with what i'm saying.

Love island 2019Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora