Do Not Fear

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'See how close I can get to you...I was in your room...on your bed...'

'You are my mate, no matter what that sad excuse of an Alpha tells you!'

'This blood isn't his this time, but his blood will spill and I will be the reason for it.'

'I have loved you from afar for too long to lose it all now...and you know you truly love me too.'

JoLynn shuttered while sitting on her bed.  She did not want to let the messages get to her, they all had to be a cruel joke.  Gray Mountain was one of the safest packs there was, and she put all her faith in her mate and brother, though she did not feel she could tell them about everything.  She needed to remind herself that her mate was one of the strongest Alpha's out there and he wouldn't lose in a fight.

She had cleaned up the mess in her room, cleaning the blood from the walls and changing her bedding herself.  She disposed of the bedding in the packhouse laundry, knowing an omega would never say anything regarding the blood.  During all of this, she just kept reminding herself to stay strong and not give in to the bad thoughts.  She knew how to defend herself and she refused to be afraid for the rest of her life. 

She was still trying to understand why the last message ended with 'Just remember, I know what you are and I will make you mine'.  

Lyra, do you know what this person may mean?  I'm nothing but the daughter of a Beta. 

We are a white wolf and I can feel we seem to have more power and agility but not any different than our mate.  

I don't think Grayson jumped a ravine in wolf form, but he is still powerful, I agree.

The Moon Goddess told me to be prepared for changes to come.  Maybe this is someone to ask your mother in the morning.  Didn't she say something about our wolf form when we shifted the first time? Artic pack traits?

The Moon Goddess said that?  I'll make sure to ask my mom in the morning.

JoLynn wasn't going to wait until the morning to get something out her mom, especially because if it was bad, Aspen would just lie to protect her.  She pulled her phone out and decided to respond to her stalker.  

'Who is this? What did you mean by you know what I am?'  She wasn't sure why she thought it was a good idea to do this, but there was no turning back now.  There was no way they would tell her who they actually were but it was worth a shot.  Although, she wasn't sure she actually wanted to know who it was; most likely just Delia and her minions screwing with her.  

'Don't act like you don't know who this is...I am you true mate, not that joke of an Alpha who is claiming to be yours.  I have loved you for quite some time JoLynn, and I do not intend to stop now.' 

What the fuck is this guy's problem, is all JoLynn could think.  She had never been loved by anyone except her family, Grayson's family, and Layla.  There was no other people, no boyfriends or anything.  The Artic Pack traits were repeating in her head, could this person be someone from there? 'None of this makes sense to me.  Are you from the Artic Pack or something? '

JoLynn watched as the dots danced on her screen, waiting for a response.  They disappeared, making her think maybe she guessed right and he couldn't come up with a lie to cover it.  She was shifting to put the phone on her nightstand and try to get some sleep when she heard the notification beep.  Jojo leaned over to reach for her phone, seeing one last message from her stalker.  

'Good Night, my love.  I will keep an eye on your from afar until I can come take you away from there.'

JoLynn shuttered at the message, annoyed and angered that they dare call her 'my love'.  Only Grayson was allowed to call her that, he was the only one allowed to love her and have her.  It almost surprised her how defensive she was about this, how quickly she jumped to defend Grayson's right to call her that.  She was somewhat ashamed that she tried to reject him in the first place, not fully appreciate the gift the Moon Goddess gave her.  Jojo appreciated it now, and would for the rest of her days.  She could only imagine how amazing their lives would be together.  Their mating, followed by her Luna ceremony, and as many pups as they could manage.  There had always been a image of them being in eachothers lives forever, but she always assumed it would be as her longtime family friend.  She liked the new image much more.

Everything, all the events and emotions, kept swirling around in JoLynn's head, making her sleepier by the second.  She snuggled down into her bed, knowing she wouldn't be able to stay awake until Grayson came back.  An uneasy feeling was in the pit of her stomach, but she knew it wasn't for her mate. Gray knew how to take care of himself, so did her brother and Cole.  There was something else that was making her feel off, but she wasn't sure where it was coming from.  Her eyes got heavier by the second and soon she could no longer hold off falling asleep.  


JoLynn is running, but she isn't sure what she is running from.  She is deep in the forest, but she wasn't sure which forest.  It looked similar to the area surrounding Gray Mountain, but she felt like she didn't know where she was going.  If this was home, she would know where to go and how to escape whatever danger it was behind her.  

She could hear growling coming up fast, the ground was shaking more with their pounding feet.  The trees were a blur as she increased her speed as fast as her body would take her.  Lyra was with her but for some reason they couldn't shift.  Sweat was starting to pour from her hairline, making her eyes burn when it fell into them.  

JoLynn jumped over a large fallen tree, clearing the log as if she was a hurdle runner, landing perfectly on the other side.  Her perfect landing turned into a nightmare when just a few steps later, she caught her foot in a hole, breaking her ankle as she fell to the ground.  She tried scrambling away, hoping to find a hiding spot from her persuer.  She was able to army crawl out of sight and hide next to a tree, hidden by a large shrub.  

Keeping her breathing slow and shallow, hoping it will lower her heartbeat enough not to be detected.  After a few minutes, she no longer heard the growling or thundering feet.  She was about to leave her hiding spot, to hobble her way back to safety, when she saw them. Two glowing greenish-yellow eyes inching towards her.  Her eyes were darting around, trying to find some kind of escape route, but there was nothing.  No way to get away.  No way to call out for help.  This was the end for her.  The wolf before her launched straight at her, preparing to rip her neck wide open.  

JoLynn shot up straight out of bed, sweat soaking her pajamas and bedding.  It was all just a nightmare, a really bad one.  Jo was exhausted as if she was really running this whole time and not lying in bed.  

My love I'm sorry I didn't link you sooner, I have some things I need to take care of still. I just wanted to tell you I am fine and that I love you.

Oh Goddess Gray, you scared the crap out of me.

JoLynn was trying to slow her breathing back down, afraid Grayson would somehow know there was something wrong with her.  She did not need her mate barging into her room right now, she needed to calm herself down. 

Whoops, I wasn't even thinking if you were asleep.

I had just barely fallen asleep, I was trying to stay up to hear from you but finally lost the battle. Is everything ok now?

She wasn't fully lying to her mate, she did try to stay awake for him, she just left out the horrifying dream she had in between.  There was no reason to involve him, he had enough on his plate with the rouges attacking.  

We have a few things to look into but there is no immediate danger at this point. Your brother had basically everything handled by the time I got out there.

Well I am glad no one was hurt or anything. Are you going to bed? Should I join you?

She just needed to act as normal as possible to make sure he isn't suspicious.

As tempting as that is my not so innocent mate, I have things I need to handle and will be in my office most of the day. You go back to sleep and I will link you later if I can get away with you.

Mmmmm...ok I will go back to sleep.

At least Jojo would try to go back to sleep, but it was doubtful she would be sleeping again anytime soon.  She would probably only be able to sleep when she could do it cuddled up to Gray.  

I love you my Luna.

I love you my Alpha.


A/N:  Sorry everyone!  I had intended to publish this on Friday, but apparently hit save not publish.  Thanks for any votes & comments!

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