Chapter 6

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3rd Person's POV

Ria's walking with a clouded mind, she didn't notice that the 3 girls are following her. They saw the vulnerable side of her, that she hides every time she's with them. 'Why do you have to hide things your emotions this bad?' That's the question they want to ask her. They felt bad for not talking to her and Sana. They can't help but wonder what happened to her. 'I'll try to protect you from this cruel world.' Sana thought to herself. When she comes to their life confuse the hell out of them but also makes them feel comfortable and safe around her, that makes them confuse and hesitant. The emotions whenever she's there overwhelmed them so bad. It's a complete mystery, everything about her. They decided to stop following her and go back so they won't get caught by the once.

Ria's POV

After a few minutes of walking I reached the store and get everything I needed to get back immediately. They're so stubborn but I'm used to their presence despite how they treat me, at least now I'm not alone anymore. I go to the cashier and paid for everything then head back home. As I reached the house, the feeling of being unable to determine what to do came back. Here we go again, being so indecisive on what emotions I should show in front of them. One thing I'm sure about is it should be positive emotions. I inhale, exhale as I near the house.

Chaeyoung's POV

Unnies left without saying where but no one ask. I guess they'll follow Ria, they act cold around her but they care, just saying because I feel like she's really a trust worthy person. When we're in the unnies room ( Jeongmo) we talk about Ria. What we think about her and stuff until it gets really random. 'How can you make me question myself without you doing or saying anything? In just a day you already makes me a mess? '*sigh* Ria what did you do to me? You're cute but you don't have to make me feel like this.' My thoughts got interrupted when I felt someone shaking me. Its Momo unnie, I smiled at her faintly. I shrugged it off because I feel like Sana unnie already fall for her, I don't want to have competition between us and it seems like not only Sana but also the others. What a mess?

Momo's POV

"Chaeng? You okay?" She got startled but nods as a response.

"You space out for a few minutes for nothing?" I ask concerned.

"Uh unnie i don't know why I spaced out, maybe I'm just hungry." I nodded because I'm also hungry.

I don't want to ask any more questions so I focused on what I'm doing. After a few, the 3 comes to the kitchen looking lost, confuse, sad. A part of me saying that Ria is connected to this. She have this effect to us so badly, I noticed that ever since we saw her in the office. I can't stop myself from thinking about her, I'm really curios if she's honest or just a pathological liar. I get so overwhelmed with my emotions in the office that I can't talk to her or even face her. Hopefully she didn't misunderstood that but unfortunately she did. Only Sana talk to her that I got pissed at her, don't know why. When you came Ria you made my mind in a mess. How can you do that to all of us? Driving us so madly like this?

3rd Person's POV

No one dares to talk about the things even though they all want to know, what happened. They kept on thinking why does Ria make them feel so safe and comfortale whenever she's there, that scared them even more. Why do they keep on getting overwhelmed by the emotions? On the other hand Sana decided to stay with the latter no matter what. She want to stay with her at all cost. I don't want her to live alone anymore, she looks so lonely and lost. She deserves a better life with her. Sana's thoughts are to stay with the latter whatever happen in the future. The 3 girls who saw her have one question 'Why do you have to act like you're strong when deep down you're already dying? Why do you have act like you're okay? Why Ria why?' They can't help but notice it from the beginning. Sana's feelings get more and more deep that it gets uncontrollable whenever she's near with her. Jihyo felt uneasy after all they knew each other already but she felt like she doesn't know anything about her at all. Nayeon wants to know more about Ria and wants to hug the latter but she kept on thinking about Jihyo and Sana, as an older sister she doesn't want to have competition with them. She doesn't want to ruin what they have for a girl.

Sorry sa matagal na update.

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