~Is this Love?~

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amber pov:
It was monday the worst day of the week, gosh i hate it so much, i have to get up early, after a relaxing weekend and then see your teachers faces too. The good thing is we had cooking, which means there were only 2 hours left until lunch break.
"Okey amber you do the poster and I'll write the presentation" said the nerd of the class to me, we had to do a presentation about cornflakes yes about cornflakes HOW DO YOU COME UP ON SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!?"why do we have to do a presentation about cornFlaKes it's so fucking stupid. „Do I at least get money for advertising?" I asked the nerd, that I have to do the presentation with."I have no idea, ask the teacher" most of them didn't do it but-"MISS UHM what's her name again? TEACHER!" I yelled across the classroom."WHY DO WE NEED TO MAKE A PRESENTATION ABOUT CORNFLAKES, I DON'T ADVERTISE FOR FREE SORRY!"
"CHOI AMBER DON'T SCREAM ACROSS THE CLASSROOM YOU CAN ALSO COME TO ME!" she yelled back, looking at her desk and probably giving me an entry.
"And how many is it? How many pages would it be if you printed it out?" I asked our teacher whose name I still didn't know."far too many," she said."I think it's ok"
"choi amber! you've only been here a month and you already have 10 entries and 20 homework omissions" she said to me
"only? Damn at the old school it was wayy more, how many more do I need to get kicked out of school?" I asked completely calm
"It's best to go to the director and ask him." She pointed to the door that, I think that means that i should go to the director."OH COME ON! I really didn't do anything, I just asked!" She rolled her eyes and said that I could stay. "She still didn't answer my question," I mumbled to myself. after the 2 hours it was finally lunch break and we went to the canteen. And what a surprise owen was there too."Hey Amber" said in his disgusting voice and took my backpack. He took my school stuff out of my backpack and threw it in the trash"I don't need it anyway" I said and continued to eat my food. Owen slammed his hand on the table and threw the whole food off of us all."YAA MY FOOD HELLO?!?" riki yelled at him. I called the cleaning lady who took everything together and threw it away, I gave the others money so that they could get new food. "We can pay ourselves" they said and gave it back to me
"besides, the food really sucks thanks owen now I don't have to eat it" Jake provoked him. owen was annoyed that no one was upset about him."Owen fuck off" I sai"Why should I, you know I'm in control of your life right?" he said, laughing."uhm no you don't?" i said he grabbed my arm"One tiny report to the director and you'll end up back with your stepfather." He ruffled my hair, really disgusting and aggressive"I'M NOT A CAT!" I yelled at him and kicking his shin.
"oh so you want to go back to LA hmmm? i can make it happen for you" he laughed to himself. I pulled my arm away from him and slapped his face."Are you so dependent on your FATHER hm? nawww how sweet. grow up jerk! learn how to defend yourself" i said.
„you're only saying that because you don't have a father" he said, i ignored him but riki didn't like what he said. They started fighting and yelling at each other, the other got involved, but i didn't care i walked out of the cafeteria and waited untill the next lesson started

Some time later the doorbell rang and school started again. Music class i hated it our teacher is really weird he gives pedo vibes the good thing about music was that we didn't have a seat order so we were allowed to sit where we wanted. I sat next to khanh and rafi. Riki sat with Andrea and some other people from our class. "jealous hm?" said khanh with a raised eyebrows"Pff what" I replied
"Yo man's sitting next to Andrea and the others" she said and looked at me provocatively."First of all he's not my man! and 2. I'm not interested and i'm not jealous why should I" it annoyed me a bit that she was right but why do i care so much i mean why should i? it's his life and i'm not in love with him or am i?

time skip after school
Riki pov:
School is out and Riki is out of the house!well almost! I always have to wait for amber okey not actually she always has to wait for me. i decided to wait in the schoolhouse since it was raining. I saw Her, jake and owen talking or well the usual, i went to them of course but i hide behind a wall.
"amber you have 2 options or no actually only one or you fly to LA~"
"i'm not getting into this shit" amber said and looked at owen with a look that could kill
"ey ey ey calm down I haven't told you my offer yet" owen pulled her to him and you could see that jake was cooking inside just like me."How about a date? you know, you're actually not that annoying" he asked amber and I can't describe how much I would like to kill him right now.
"why should I" amber replied to his offer
"So you want to go to LA?" Owen asked her, „well no but i rather go back to my stepfather then going on a date with an asshole like you" She said
„FORGET IT SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND SO GET YOUR THOUGHTS OUT!" Jake said and pulled amber away from owen."ohhh who? I would like to get to know him" asked owen."in LA if you'll excuse us now we don't have time for this shit!" jake took amber's hand and ran out of the school building. I felt my heart break.
is this love?...

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