~what happend?~

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Riki pov:
It's Monday, Amber and Andrea went to work and I'm alone with the other one. „Guys, there are rumors that one of us is dating someone" said jungwon „It's not me" Jake said „Neither do I" came from sunoo „same here" said heeseung and jay
„I'm in a long-distance relationship so engenes can't know" said sunghoon. Everyone looked at me with a smile. „Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked „nawww is it our maknae" said jake
„what makes you think that?! it's just rumours, rumors are never true" I tried to talk myself out of it. they gave me an unbelievable look. „YAA stop looking at me like that!" „come on riki don't pretend" said sunoo „okey okey yeah that's right me and amber are dating" „I KNEW IT!" they all yelled in sinc „cuteeee" jay said „Break her heart and you're dead," Jake warned me
„no worries jake hyung i'm not going to"
„I'm so happy for you~" Sunoo said „this is going to be funny" laughed sunhoon „I'm very happy for you, but you know if entertainment finds out, you can forget the relationship and your job"
„I know that's why we're keeping it a secret for now"
"I think the rule sucks, I mean like hello? just because i'm an idol i can't do what i want? It's still my life whether I'm an idol or not" said jake „I thought so too," I replied. „Does konon know about it?" Sunoo asked „nope, but as far as I'm concerned she's coming to korea"
„Really?!" Jake asked in surprise
„I've wanted to meet her for a long time!" he added.
„She's also very happy to meet ya'll, and I'm happy to see her again" I laughed.
„wait does your mom know about this?" jake asked „WHAT NO! except sola tolled her but i don't think so, i won't tell my parents until amber tells her mom"
„my parents don't know anything about me and nina either" said sunhoon „OH WAIT I'M MEETING UP WITH ANDREA!" He ran up, put on something else and ran down again.
„I look good as always" he said as he looked in the mirror. He put on his shoes and opened the door and as he walked out amber walked in through the door. She didn't seem in a good mood, she looked pretty sad.
„Jake, can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked him. Jake nodded and took her outside. „What's going on there?" Heeseung asked „I don't know but do we have to worry?" jay asked „I don't know but I'm already worried" I said worried „It's definitely nothing too bad" sunoo tried to convince us „Let's hope so" said jungwon. When Jake and Amber came back they both looked like they were about to burst into tears. I hugged amber tightly and kissed her on the cheek. „Hey Aimi is everything okey? what happened you look so sad" I asked her. She just nodded. „Yeah, everything's great," she said, She smiled a little and then went upstairs to her room. „jake hyung what happen?" „It's complicated, I'm not quite sure how to deal with it myself" Jake said. I hugged him as he started to cry
„Jake Hyung Don't Cry"
„Riki take care of amber, we'll take care of jake" said jay „yes" I went up stairs to amber and knocked on her door. „it's open" I opened the door and went in. Amber lay on the floor and writes in her diary. Tears ran down her face. One tear after another fell onto the page of the diary. I didn't know which was worse, seeing her like this or even thinking about what could have happened. She wiped away her tears and closed her diary. I took her in my arms and just hugged her without saying a word. After she calmed down a bit, I tried to talk to her. „Amber are you sure you don't want to talk about this?" There was silence until amber interrupted it
„It's about my mom"

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