~i'm always by your side~

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amber pov:
„What I actually wanted to tell you is... I-"
riki was interrupted by his phone ringing. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked to see who it was
„Who is it?" I asked „Konon" he said.
„I'll call her back later," he said
„no riki it's your sister maybe something happened let's go home it's getting late" He nodded slightly and phoned konon. As we walked home, there was an awkward silence between us until I interrupted it
„What did you want to tell me?"
„oh ehh not that important everything's fine" he laughed nervously
Days passed and I still wondered what he was going to say. Something wasn't right, I just didn't know what it was, Riki wasn't really talking to me, did I do something wrong? I decided to talk to him about it. But when I got home from work it was already dark. I knocked on Riki's door but no one answered, I opened the door slightly and looked inside.
„Riki? Are you still awake? or are you already sleeping?"
„he had a hard day, let him rest a bit" said jake.
„Hm? what happened, is everything okey?" I asked
„I don't know but he hasn't really been up to it all day, I mean you can try to talk to him but don't wake him up" Jake explained.
„I will, good night jake" I closed the door behind me and sat down next to the sleeping riki.
„Hmm practice was exhausting huh?" I ruffled his hair and thought about what could have happened.
„Amber? what are you doing here, I thought you had to work" came sleepily from riki.
„I did, I just got home, did something happen? jake said you weren't in a good mood today"
„oh it's just, there's a lot going on in my head right now," he explained
„hmm do you want to talk about it? Or go back to sleep, I'm sure you're tired"
„Both" he murmured.
„Come here" I stretched out my arms and hugged him.
„It's about an old friend of mine"
„What do you mean by old friend?" I asked him „In Japan I had a best friend, she was always bullied by other students, it was even so bad that she got severe depression, at some point it went so far that she jumped off the school roof in front of the whole school" I saw how hard it was for Riki to talk about it a lot, I knew how it felt to lose people who were important to you, It hurt my heart to see him like that.
„It's my fault, I could never defend her"
„No no Riki don't say something like that, it's definitely not your fault." I hugged him tightly.
„It's been 3 years and I've never had a chance to say goodbye" He started to cry. „I'm sorry you experienced that, but it's definitely not your fault, it's not easy letting people go who are important to you, but blaming yourself doesn't bring the person back either, I'm sure she would want you to be happy" I spoke „Maybe you're right, but if I had done something, none of this would have happened" I was at a loss, I didn't know how to calm him down, It made me sad to see him like this. „Today is her birthday and she can't even celebrate it"
she must have meant much to him
„Don't say things like that, An important person in my life once said, No matter what happens to me, no matter where I am, no matter what I'm doing, I'm always with you and I will always be with you no matter what, even if i'm dead, So remember she's always with you even when it doesn't seem so" I wiped away his tears and he started to calm down.
„Thanks amber" he spoke softly „Always" I smiled „you should try to sleep" i said, but riki shook his head „Let's go on the roof," he said „Riki, what are you doing?" I asked „Just come" he said and ran up to the roof „RIKI YA!" I yelled and ran after him

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