~i'm sorry~

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Riki pov:
It was Friday February 10th, 2021
the rest of the weeks were unbelievable, i was suspended for no reason, amber was still in a coma, and i sat in my room all day only going out for entertainment or food etc. I don't think I've ever felt so much sadness and anger at once in my life. I thought about things I've never thought about before. I just hope everything will be back to normal soon, I just don't want to and can't do it anymore. I want the fun old days back. „Amber i miss you" I took her hand as I was sitting next to her bed in the hospital. When I wasn't at home in my room, I sat here for hours, day after day, hoping that she would wake up. But her condition got worse every day. But I didn't give up hope, I didn't give up hoping every day that she would wake up. I noticed how amber's hand moved. „Huh? Amber?" I took her hand and waited for a doctor
"Oh you're still here?" the doctor asked when I nodded
„Actually, the visiting time is over"
"I know, I'm sorry, but her hand moved"
"oh no no don't get your hopes up it happens a lot thats just because of the nerves it's normal" she explained
„oh oh hm" "I should really ask you to leave, but it looks like you're very close. Is she your girlfriend?" the doctor asked
"What? uhm no no, we're just friends mhm" "Oh I see, you can stay a little longer if you want"
"oh that's very nice but i have to go anyway it's getting late the others will worry"
she nodded and left the room
„See ya tomorrow Amber" I brushed a strand of hair out of her face and stood up. Suddenly I felt a hand grab mine.

amber pov:
when I opened my eyes light was shining in my face, Am I dead?! where am I? and why do i have so many things on my arm? I saw Riki who just wanted to get up, I took his hand, he turned around confused as if he had seen a ghost.
"Have you never seen a human before? Or why are you looking at me like that?"
I asked him
"AMBER I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" he screamed and hugged me with tears
„i thought you will die" I hugged him and wiped the tears from his face
„don't cry i'm here now i'll always be on your side after all we promised each other" I gave him a small smile and he hugged me like it was the last time.
"You're crushing me,"
"SORRY!" he screamed in panic and let go
"nooo don't let go" I mumbled and hugged him back.
„Sir I have to ask you to- oh? you're awake? that was a bit unexpected. Sir, could you leave the room for a moment. I'm doing a quick check on her to see if everything's healed and to see if she has any concussions"
said the doctor who just entered the room. Riki nodded and left the room. The doctor examined everything normally until she came to a more serious topic. I knew it wouldn't be easy to tell Riki. I actually wanted to tell him before camp, but I never had the opportunity. Everyone knows about it, everyone except Riki."Otherwise everything is fine, you don't seem to have any damage with you, you can be discharged today" the doctor said and smiled. I thanked her warmly and tried to get up. It felt like I forgot how to walk I felt 2 hands on my waist
„Do you need help?" asked Riki "No no, it's alright" I said and walked shakily to the door.
„Didn't the doctor talk about therapy?" he asked and carried me on his back „She said that's normal and that it will go away over time," I explained to him. He left the hospital "So madame where do you want to go?" he asked and I could feel a tingling in my stomach "Not home" I said
"hmm of course like always, oh i have an idea! close your eyes! it's a surprise" he laughed and I closed my eyes
"Riki I am going to kill you if you're putting me in some disgusting alley"
"no worries I won't"
"Only open your eyes when I say it" He put me on a bench and sat next to me."3, 2, 1 now!" I put my hands away from my eyes and wow! I had never seen such a beautiful sunset in my life.
„ god damnnn" i hugged him and he gave me the cutest smile i have ever seen. „welcome back, you missed a lot" he smiled. He told me everything and I was furious "SUSPENDED? are you kidding me? ohhhh trust me owen will regret, i'll make sire he will, if this fucking principal suspended you believe me he'd be wishing to suspend me"
"it's not that bad" he said "maybe but it's about how unprofessional this principal is"
"Overprotective girl" he laughed and ruffled my hair. We watched the sunset until it got dark and the stars appeared in the sky.
"Riki I need to tell you something, I don't know if the others have already told you but" I paused for a moment."I'm sorry for not telling you"
"amber what could be so bad that you apologize?"
"it's like before i was in korea i had quite a problem with my heart and lungs. I get medication for it, but it may not work and i  have to operate on it"
"what? But nothing can happen there, can it?" he asked worried
"I don't know, but I don't think there will be an operation, we'll see how it goes, maybe the operation isn't necessary"
"but why? how can that be i mean like you dance, you sing you play basketball/ volleyball do you want to tell me that you won't be able to do all that afterwards? And why are you only telling me this now?"
i shrugged "idk and i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you worried unnecessarily"
"But why do you have that?" he asked again
„I don't know, my dad had something like that, my mom always had problems with it, Nina too and my sister had it too" I explained to him."I'm really sorry"
"Don't be sorry it's okey we can do this together" he hugged me, tears welling up in our eyes and a moment later it started raining."let's go home it's late" he got up and took my hand "No" I said
"Amber come on you're getting sick"
"no" " amber come on"
"choi alexandra amber"
"nishimura riki"
"Amber, can we please go home?"
"hmmmm no"
"You're already shaking because you're cold" he took off his hoodie and threw it at me "there and now let's go home"
"nooo Riki you'll get sick when you run around in the rain with a t shirt" he took the hoodie and pulled it over my head.
„I don't want to go home," I said
„Me neither, but I don't want either of us to get sick, come on amber pls, We can cuddle if you want to" „DEAL!" I yelled and grabbed his hand. We walked home and when we opened the door everyone was asleep except Andrea
„AMBERRRRRRR AHHHHH" she yelled and ran over to hug me
„ANDREAAAA" I yelled back and hugged her.
„OMO riki was so annoying you don't know" she grumbled
„HAHA I believe you" I laughed. I went up the stairs and stumbled over the step as usual
„Like the good old days" Andrea laughed and disappeared into her room.
„I'M FINE!" I yelled and went to my room to get dressed. When I was done, I knocked on Riki's door and waited
„it's open" I opened the door and threw myself on his bed.
"I hope your sleep rhythm is at least not so broken anymore"
"yeah no I don't think so not even a coma can fix that" I laughed and hugged him.

Riki pov:
I took her in my arms and ruffled her hair."I'm happy that you're back"
„your english is still cute" she laughed
„oi! I'm working on it" I said
„Hmm, does that include singing?" she asked
„Oh god what do you want?"
"how abt tango"
"Ohhh wait my phone is in here somewhere"
"YAA no" she pouted.
„i'm just kidding"

„You think I can't handle
Dancing on my own
It takes two to tango
But only one to let go
I'm sorry I can't answer
I'm busy dancing on my own
It takes two to tango
But only one to let go"
after a bit if singing we both fell asleep piecefully

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