~i need to tell you something~

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Riki pov:
„I hate school~ I don't want to, can someone please suspend me again?" I yelled around the classroom
„Don't forget, Andrea and Amber have to stay in detention today," our class teacher reminded us
„you're weird" came from cristina's desk neighbor
„I don't want to"
„Andrea you have to"
„come on cristinaaaaa stop ruining my mood" yelled andrea
„is she on her period?" amber asked
„NO, I'm hungryrr" andrea continued to cry
„cry quietly and don't disturb my class"
„wow i hate that teacher more and more everyday " whispered amber.
„Amber, you must have done your homework, so you can explain it to the class, right?" Our teacher motioned for her to get up and go to the blackboard.
„EHHH? No?" Amber refused, but our teacher threw the chalk at her head.
„ouch" said amber while walking to the blackboard.
„SO ehhhh just look at the solutions in your book." She put down the chalk and went back to her seat
„Useless" the teacher cleaned the blackboard while shaking his head
„Riki then you can explain it"
"I can't do math" I said. I got a look from the teacher and then decided to go to the blackboard. I drew something on the blackboard and sat down again
„ufff, what kind of clowns do I teach" our teacher despaired
„ufff, what kind of monkey is teaching us?" amber imitated him
„I liked you better almost dead," he said
„I've heard that many times" I looked at amber confused.
„non of a big deal" she whispered
„So Andrea, Riki and Amber don't forget, after the break you have detention
„Pff you really think I'll stay here until 6 o'clock?"
„Amber you stay here if you want to or not"
„I'm sorry, sir, but that's not possible," I said
„why not" he gave us a stern look
„practice!" we said together
„photo shoot" said andrea
„Amber, you tried that trick yesterday, it doesn't work for you or for the other 2"
„aii okey I didn't want to tell you but I have a date mhm" came from amber
„YOU HAVE A WHAT!?" Me and Andrea asked.
"AHEM" amber cleared sher throat
„ohhh aha yeahh mhm we have a date mhm" I played along.
„You have a date?!" Andrea asked confused. Amber stepped on her foot.
„Ouch! ehh, I mean AHA yes, you have a date!"
„ANYWAY BYE" we all three said goodbye and ran out of the building
„DO YOU REALLY have a DATE!?" Andrea yelled at us. Amber shrugged and looked at me
„uhm yeah EHH I mean no! of course not! Amber is just a good friend" I explained

amber pov:
„Amber is just a good friend" Riki said. Damn ouch? that one hurt. How long have I felt this way? I've never felt anything like this before. i mean ofc we just said so that we can get out of class, but that sentence really hurt, but i wonder why.
„we're just going dancing, nothing special" said riki. I nodded and saw the disappointment on Andrea's face. but not only in her I noticed how disappointed I was. I don't know why, did he really mean that much to me? We certainly spent 3 hours in the dance room. Until riki interrupted us
„Come on!" he said, pulling my hand out into the rain
„May I have this dance?" he asked
„I would love to" I laughed and took his hand. We danced in the rain until the sun went down. Oh how much I missed this

Riki pov:
From minute to minute, I realize more and more how much I missed spending time with her. It got dark pretty quickly and the full moon shone on us like a spotlight. At the end of the dance I pulled Amber closer and hugged her.
„Amber I have to tell you something important" I said. She looked at me.
„I've known you for a little over a year now and I've actually wanted to tell you for a while, but then the accident happened in the camp and I didn't have the opportunity." I pause for a moment
„but you've really grown on my and I've experienced a lot with you. We laughed a lot but also cried. But what I really wanted to tell you is..."

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