~glad to see you again~

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amber pov:
i was still awake, it was 3am and cristina was already asleep, andrea was still up playing the legend of zelda, so i decided to talk to her."YAAA ANDREAAA"
"SHUT UP BOTH of you" cristina yelled sleepily.
"mannnn im sick of this" andrea screamed through the whole house and threw her switch against the wall.
"Wow great job" I said monotonously.
"So what did you want to say?^^" Andrea asked as if nothing had happened.
"You're still thinking about it, aren't you?" she asked, I just nodded at that
"Come on, what's so bad about that, you like him don't you?" Cristina asked
"Yes No! I have no idea my trust issues are killing me" I explained
"Oh come on you would be sweet together;) well I ship ya'll" winked Andrea
"omg yeah cutee" Cristina agreed
"Try to talk to him about it, it can't be that big if a deal"
"cristina is right" agreed andrea
"hm maybe it's just idk what if i'm just a dare?" I explained
"You're not, I'm sure, otherwise ask me or Konon" Andrea said
"how does this help me?"
"you know that riki would never do something like that"
"hmm true, he's actually pretty responsible when it comes to that sort of thing" cristina replied they were right, I should talk to him about it.

Time skip
a few weeks later i land is over
amber pov:
i can't believe i land is over and the guys are coming home as a group, all the hard work has paid off, i have to say i'm really proud of them."WE'RE BACKKKKK" yelled a Jake who burst through the front door.
"Where's Riki?" I asked him
"Oh, you haven't seen us all for so long and all you care about is riki😪" said Andrea's brother jay
"so? where is he?" I asked again heeseung pointed outside and I immediately ran out the front door
"RIKIIIIII YAAAAAAAA" I yelled while running to him.
"AMBERRRR SSIIIIII" he yelled back and hugged me.
"You coukd think they haven't seen each other in years," Jake said
"ship" said sunghoon and andrea at the same time."I'm so proud of you! you can finally live your dream!" I said to Riki, who was still hugging me."amber i still can't speak english but thanks? I think" he laughed
Andrea pov:
"yooo sunhoon" I tapped his shoulder "Hmm?" he said and turned to me
"who are you again? I forgot" he said in a monotonous voice"you serious😐 I'm jay's sister 😪 Andrea yk future model and stuff" I explained to him
"Aha? ok, now what?" he asked I gave him a slap in the face that he had a hand print on his cheek
"WHAT WAS THIS FOR?" he asked
"For doing this disgusting dare, i don't like nina but this is disrespectful!"

Riki pov:
"Oh right! wait, i want too" amber said and slapped sunghoon on the cheek
"uhhh that slap was juicy" jake and jay said and i had to hold back my laughter otherwise i would be the next one to get hit.
Andrea and amber continued to discuss with sunhoon for quite a long time, we had to tear them apart.
"HEESEUNG THAT SHIT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA ANYWAY!" Amber yelled at heeseung "It's just a game chill girl" he tried to talk his way out of it.
"just a game? it's super funny to play with feelings" said andrea"come on she won't take it like that" sung said
"nina has heart disease and no one knows how long she has left" jake explained
"oh fuck" was the only thing sunhoon said "You have 3 seconds to run" said amber
"i just accepted the dare because I wanted to invite Nina on a date anyway, and if she had said no, I could have said that it was a dare," explained Sung
"whatever this dare is disgusting, have fun getting the whole thing under control" said amber and went upstairs to her room. andrea gave sung a death stare and then went into the guest room."You should tell Nina the truth" I said and went up to Amber.
"Madame have you calmed down?" I asked her "I AM CALM!" she yelled at me.
"Hey don't forget you have an idol in front of you ^^"
"don't forget that there is an actress in front of you^^"
"YOU ARE AN ACTRESS?!?" I asked amber who was still smiling
"AHH I AM SO PROUD OF YOU" I hugged her or rather crushed her.
"ahhaha I'm proud of you too riki" she replied.
"oh uhm btw amber are you free tomorrow?" I asked her not sure how she's going to answer
"yeah sure! ig I still have a casting but later I'll be free so yess"
"perfect! we'll meet in front of the entertainment" I said
"alright i'll be there i'm glad to see you again" she replied
"me too amber me too"

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